Bottom! Xiao

128 1 0

March 28th 2022, 11:08PM


Hc? Idk maybe a fact lol: I like talking about sub xiao alot, like bro. Xiao acts like a top yeah yeah but have we ever concitered xiao before a bottom? He's definitely a hard core bottom. Now xiao stans don't come after me, he's a bottom, period.


Bby top him. I've said thie before, his moans at high pitched though his voice is low. He 100% doesn't have experience at all do you need to guide him, the minute you stick his cock into your pretty pussy (or ass if you're a guy) his mind goes blank, he can't even think, just babbling nonsense, it would mostly be him saying thank you, or feels good, or just praise in general.

Coming from xiao, he would degrade you but let me have my moment, xiao will shower you in praise.

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