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Neveah, looks like you'll be the caboose today!

Neveah Morrison poked out her bottom lip in a pout.

But I don't want to go to the end of the line. I was the caboose yesterday.

Mr. Harrison sighed, kneeling down in front of her.

Class, go on ahead. I'm going to have a talk with Neveah.

When the entire classroom was emptied, Mr. Harrison gave Neveah a good-natured smile.

Look, I couldn't say it with the rest of the class around because I knew they'd get jealous, he said.

Why would they be jealous?

Well. Mr. Harrison whispered, leaning back to look out the door. I don't know if you're ready to know. Do you think you are?

Neveah nodded vigorously, the clear and blue beads in her hair thundering along with her.

I'm ready. You can tell me.

I don't knoooow....

I'm ready! I promise!

Mr. Harrison relented, a big smile on his face. It's because the caboose is an honor, Neveah. For several reasons. Mr. Harrison stood up, walking Neveah to the light switch beside the door. First of all, you get to be the one who turns off the light. Nobody else in our classroom gets to do that unless they're the caboose. The young teacher helped Neveah up to the light switch. On the count of three, I want you to say: Lights out! Then, switch the light off.

1.....Neveah giggled excitedly.

2.....Get ready!

3......Lights out! Neveah whooped.

And... Mr. Harrison held his breath when Neveah joined him at the door. You get to lock the door. Nobody else except the caboose gets to do that. So, when I say go, run in and lock the door. Then, run out and close it as fast as you can!

1.....Neveah got into position.

2......Remember, when I say go!

3....The sounds of sneakers squeaking against the linoleum filled the hallway.

Neveah went at top speed to lock and close the door. She ran so fast, her light up sketchers continued blinking rapidly as if she were still going. She hopped up and high-fived Mr. Harrison.

And you know what else? You get to make friends with your new classmate today. Ruby is at the end of the line too.

She stared at the murals along the walls as they walked. They had bunnies and meadows. Neveah paused to run her hands along the smooth edge between the bumpy bricks underneath the paint. Mr. Harrison stopped walking, circling back to his wayward student.

Have you had a chance to make friends with Ruby yet?

Mr. Harrison knew she hadn't.

She's very nice. Mr. Harrison said, kneeling down beside her. Did you know she likes science just like you do?

He took Neveah's hand and resumed walking her toward the cafeteria, chattering on about making new kids feel welcomed. Mr. Harrison's words only made Neveah's palms clammy. Ruby had been in school for two weeks now, and she was all anybody talked about. Lots of kids said she was nice, but Neveah felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of ever finding out if it was true.

When they got to the cafeteria, Neveah sat in her assigned seat at the end of the lunch table with the rest of her class. Ruby sat across from her, pulling something from a white grocery bag. Ruby unwrapped a stained yellow food container with the label rubbed off and began to spoon something yellow and beige with sprinkles of what looked like green and red pepper. As she took a bite, Neveah tilted her head and saw that she recognized some of the ingredients. She gasped. That's ackee and saltfish!

Neveah recognized it from her Aunt and Uncle's house. Her auntie was from Jamaica, and she made it for Neveah often. It was her favorite! Ruby met Neveah's eyes as she ate her food, giving her a little wave. Neveah stared down at her lunchable, heart racing.

Do you want some?


Ruby pushed the container across the table. Neveah thought her voice sounded just like her Aunties. It made her feel a little more at ease. She took a spoon from her lunchbox before dipping it into the container. Ruby clapped her hands together as Neveah grinned, this is really good. It tastes just like how my auntie makes it!

Can I have some too? A boy asked from beside her.

Ruby side-eyed him. 



After lunch, Mr. Harrison passed by Neveah on his way to the front of the line, offering her an encouraging smile as he passed. As they started out of the cafeteria, Ruby's jumbo twists swung back and forth, the little white plastic bows at the ends making clicking sounds as they hit against each other. The clacker ball elastics that held up each twist were orange and pink.

Neveah was so focused on the clips in Ruby's hair that she hardly noticed the line had stopped as Mr. Harrison insisted everyone go two at a time into the boys and girls' bathrooms before heading back to class. She rammed right into Ruby, who rammed into the boy in front of her. Neveah let out a tiny giggle at her own clumsiness.


Ruby giggled in response to Neveah's laughter, looking back at her with both hands covering her mouth. She had smooth brown skin like the wooden banister along the stairs in her Auntie's house. Neveah thought her smile looked even prettier than the plastic bows in her hair. When Neveah came back from the bathroom, Ruby was holding a shimmering red ribbon that turned gold when the light hit it a certain way. The class was far ahead of them, but Ruby was leaning against the mural on the art hall, focused on the ribbon in her hands. She looked up at Neveah. Hold out your hand.

Neveah peered around her at their class, which was already turning a corner onto the 2nd and 3rd grade hall. She held her hand out, unsure of why she was doing so at all. 

Ruby put one end in Neveah's hand and closed her fist around it.

You hold that end, she said, And I'll hold this end. That way it'll be just like we're holding hands.

Ruby walked forward, turning her head over her shoulder to look at Neveah. But Neveah was no longer there. She was floating. She tried to keep all the facts about Ruby in her mind. Her hair was pretty. And she liked science. And she smelled like cocoa butter. And now she was holding Neveah's hand. Neveah felt like the little mouse from the book Mr. Harrison had started reading to the class. The one who fell in love with the princess named Pea. Before they reached their classroom, Ruby took the ribbon away and tore it in half with her teeth. She tied her end around her wrist, and Neveah's around hers. Neveah blushed as she held out her wrist.

Ruby glanced around fast. Then, she kissed Neveah's cheek.

Will you sit with me during recess?


When Ruby and Neveah reached their desks, Neveah sat with her head on her hand, staring at the back of Ruby's twists. She might as well have been in care-a-lot by that point because no amount of reminders to focus could bring Neveah back into the real world.

Mr. Harrison was right, she sighed, twirling a braid around her finger. 

Being the caboose wasn't so bad after all.

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