You are no longer alive, idiots.

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[y/n] - your name.
[w/n] - Wanderer's name, since Hoyo allowed us to choose.

Before you start reading:
- Speech -

- "Thoughts" -

[Author's warnings, explanations, markings etc.]


- So... - [y/n] was standing on the slope, carefully looking at a piece of paper and thinking about something, - we've already finished this comission... - she seemed to be marking something, - we have the next one not so far from here, near Vanarana... are you ready? - she turned to the guy standing behind her with a displeased expression on his face, - uh-h... what's wrong again? - looking at her face, at the same time, you could just read her thoughts on it: "why are you always whining?".

- What kind of stupid commissions, - he snorted, - as if there are no things more important than beating these damn mushrooms, - the boy crossed arms over his chest, - what are we, 5 years old? - without waiting for her answer, he moved forward.

- Oh come on, [w/n], - she sighed, - just consider it as a... Walk..? - she wasn't being honest... Of course, such comissions bored her a little, but the beautiful views brightened up this time a little, - moreover, the weather today is wonderful, isn't it? The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, stop being constantly indignant, - [y/n] said, following the guy, - just relax, or do you have things to do? Well then, i'm not holding you back, you can go, - these words sounded a little indifferent, apparently she really didn't care.

- Hmph... - [w/n] made a sound when he heard her words, hearing the positive note in her voice, - how childish, - short-worded, he didn't add more, as if ignored the "You can go" part.

Actually, he was looking around, being interested in beautiful landscapes and views, but preferred not to show his interest, remaining a silent observer. For him, it wasn't something bad and unpleasant, even though he really considered these comissions stupid and meaningless, he liked being in someone's good company, even if it was hard to admit it, even for himself. Even beings like him can't stand being alone all the time.

On the way to the next comission, [y/n] tried to start some conversations, but in response she received the shortest possible answers, as if "We are here only to complete our tasks, unnecessary chatter is not needed", even though he himself offered to go with her. Wanderer is full of contradictions, however, she has already got used to his behavior a little.

- I think we're getting really close now, - a girl's voice sounded again.
- Huh? - at first he didn't understand what she was talking about, as if he had been in the clouds all this time, - what?
- It must be somewhere nearby, - she repeated calmly, stepping forward.

However, there was not a single living soul around, not even a single sound except the rustling of leaves, - "hm... wrong place?" - a thought flashed through her mind while she was looking around, and [w/n] just stood quietly to the side with his arms crossed over his chest and watched her attempts to find something.
[Y/n] took a couple more steps forward, being at the place where the paths intersect, and suddenly several fungi jumped out of the ground, startling girl from surprise, from which she even screamed, while Wanderer was already sitting on the grass, propping his chin on his hand and watching the girl with a light smile on his face.

Fungi didn't cause much damage, rather they don't cause it at all, because they are soft by themselves, but they can push hard, so that you can fall to the ground. The girl coped well, but sometimes she was getting pushed from aside or from behind, and for a short moment dissatisfaction appeared on her face, and at one such moment, she heard the chuckle from [w/n] who had been just watching her all this time.
- You're not gonna help me? - she asked with a note of displeasure in her voice, as she glanced at him swiftly, - move your ass already.
- Me?.. Of course not, - he chuckled, looking at her, - you were able to beat me, and now you can't handle a bunch of mushrooms... how very amusing, i don't even know if i should be offended now... - of course he was just teasing her, he knew that these mushies weren't a problem for her and she would easily cope with them, - i'd rather watch.

Despite his sharp tongue, he will wipe out everything around to save youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang