We live over and over again?

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ok so im back and i have a though it might be a little deep so warning before y'all read there is some mentions of death and stuff


what if we were reborn like think of it 

maybe we died in our past life and be reborn again but we forget everything and we have to learn it again

like what if we aren't adding more humans to the earth but just replacing the old ones that have died 

so maybe we did have a hundreds or even thousands of past lives but we were reborn again but we forget everything that happened in our past life and we learn everything all over again in different parts of the world

so technically we maybe did learn everything for centuries about different cultures and different timelines but we just forget about everything after we died 


so yeah i just got that though like just what if 

and again this is just a though that i get 

i am mostly 101% wrong 

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