Mass Effect Rp Form

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Before making the form, I want to clarify that this is for the First Mass Effect Game. Not the second or the third. Not yet at least. I'll make a separate Rp form for those since I am still currently beating Mass Effect 2 then go to 3. Anyway onto the Form

*= Optional



Gender: (If you're an Asari then you're only options are Female or Futa)

Race: (Human, Turian, Krogan, Asari, Simarian, Quarium, etc)

Pre-Service History/Backstory: (Spacer, Colonist, or Earthborn)

Psychological Profile: (Sole Survivor, War Hero, or Ruthless)

Military Specialization: (Soilder, Engineer, Adept, Infiltrator, Sentinel, or Vanguard)



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