Chocolate Milk

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Walking through the isles of the almost empty supermarket Mina cursed herself for offering her name to make this godforsaken grocery trip. At the time it seemed like a fun excuse to get out of the dorms, also she didn't feel like doing the dishes of the class' special dinner night. She'd go with the other volunteers - Kirishima, Kaminari, Uraraka, and Midoryia - to the market, do the shopping, and be back in no time. Easy enough.

That was before it started raining. They should have done this earlier, but well, no use thinking that now. Mina looked down at the list before looking back up again. Finally the last item, finally an end to this damn task. As she looked around to find the way to the cashiers something else made her freeze in her spot. Whipping her hand out she silenced her fast approaching classmates, hiding behind the aisle, focusing her gaze on the cold section right after it. Honestly, what she was seeing now made this trip far more interesting.

Standing before one of the cold aisles was Aizawa, a shopping cart before him, with a small child sitting inside. Unaware of his students' invasion of his privacy - by this point, the others had joined Mina - he tried in his calmest, and yet clearly irritated, voice to explain to said child why he wasn't buying the chocolate milk. Even more interesting than that was how the deeply offended child kept asking 'Why not, dad?'. Oh god, they had just walked into a gold mine.

"I think I found your other kids, Shouta."

When Aizawa heard your voice he turned just in time to see the five teenagers shiver in synchrony. The group had been so engrossed in spying on their own teacher that they didn't even hear you approaching. As the five heads turned up to look at you, you looked down, grinning wide towards them before turning your attention back to the now clearly pissed off Aizawa. And to think he'd thought he got lucky because the market was empty due to the rain, now his grocery shopping took a turn for the worse.

"Mr. Aizawa," Mina broke from the others and made a beeline to her teacher, "why didn't you tell us you have a kid?!"

There went his peace. Taking a deep breath Aizawa took the chance to take the chocolate milk from Oboro's hands, he'd at least take the small victory of his students serving as a distraction for the insistent boy. After replacing the box in the aisle he rubbed his eyes and grunted in exhaustion, letting his shoulders slump in defeat.

"I kind of like my private life private."

In all honesty, he'd have thought Mina's beaming face was somewhat endearing, had it not been at the cost of his peace and privacy. Before him, the girl smiled widely to his son, who in turn watched her intently, if a bit suspicious. From the corner of his eye, he saw you shrug from behind the other confused and bemused teenagers.

"Well..." you said, voice almost apologetic, "so long to that."

Aizawa responded with just a deeper grunt. He watched as the other students tentatively came closer to Mina. Of course, she had to be the ringmaster of this goddamn circus. Wiping her head from him to you in a fast motion she finally made the first move and started the questions.

"What is his name?"

"Oboro," you replied, kind enough to take that strain off of him, a small smile on your face as you watched his students overjoyed and curious faces.

Chocolate Milk // Aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now