Chapter 1: MRH Laboratory

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(Warning: lots of cursing [especially from journal], kidnapping)

💛Post-it note💛's POV

I wasn't really doing something at this moment, just me, myself, and my thoughts. Not really much to think about though. Nothing to think or worry about at the moment. My line of not many thoughts was broken when I heard someone call my name, I didn't flinch since I knew who it was already. I turn around to see Journal. "What is it?" I ask him, I think I already know what he's gonna say. "Well I've thought of a place that we could look in the lab, might be dangerous but as long as we stay away from those weird fucking creatures and stay quiet, then we should be safe! And I mean the place where we and the other contestants started in the 3rd challenge." Well, I did predict that it'd be related to the Mr.Hand situation and the lab but he's suggesting to just do a mission that could make us more dead than a fly being killed by a sandal. He seems like he knows how we're gonna survive in there but it's definitely not gonna be easy.

We started to head to the lab after telling the team leaders or someone in our team that we're gonna be working with one another. I move my eyes to look at Journal and said in a slightly muffled voice "Are you sure that if we just no make a lot of noise and stay away from any of the monsters there that we'll be safe?" "Yes, I'm very fucking sure that sure we will, what seems to catch their attention the most is noise and seeing you in the range of where you and they are in." He responded, seems like he does know how to stay safe from them, we just have to do it successfully.

We arrived to the lab and headed to the door where the front of the lab was when we had the 3rd challenge to do. Before Journal opened the door, he turned to look at me and quietly said "remember to stay near me and not get lost or lose track of where we are, okay?" "Okay." I responded with. As soon as he opened the door, I had a very bad feeling something was gonna happened. Before Journal took a step into the lab, I touched his shoulder. Since the door was opened he whispered asking what was wrong. "I'm starting to think this is a very bad idea even with an idea of what will attract them to us so we can avoid doing those things." I whispered back, it was more than clear that I was more scared then a animal first meeting their new owners. He turned you face me and said "you don't have to come with me in there, I can do it on my own if you rather not take that risk." "No, no. I still want to help you i-it's just that wha-" I got cut off by Journal covering my mouth and he opened his mouth to say "Just choose if you want to take a risk or not, I'll understand if you don't want to." I took me only a second to make up my mind. "I'll come with you and take the risk." Before he took a step inside, he asked if I was sure, I said I was.

We were roaming the walls, looking through doors that weren't opened during or before the 3rd challenge. Not much we really found, Journal kept silently cursing every time we couldn't find anything, most of the things we found was just bags that were forgotten from the challenge or stuff that didn't exactly connect to anything useful and some stuff was so destroyed to the point that there wasn't a way to get any use out of even if it could've been connecting to what could've helped us. Barely found anything that would be useful, the bag Journal had has like at least 5 to 8 items that we were able to find useful since it connected to some of the things we've found back in that room and in mr.Hand's diary.

We go look in another door which is like the 69th (that number was very intentional to be that joke) door? Once again there isn't anything in the room useful to us. "Fucking hell!" Journal silently yelled. We both went back into the hallway searching for more unopened doors until we both heard steps growing closer and closer and it's not a step of a person but the steps belonged to... a monster in here. "Fuck" Journal said in a normal voice since it doesn't matter anymore if we use a silent voice, the many foot steps will cause tons of noise anyways. Journal quickly grabbed my hand and then started running as the sounds of yelling that those monsters made was hearable. I was able to hear the intense and heavy breathing coming from Journal as he was looking for a pathway back to the door we first came in to get the hell out of this lab.

Journal after running for awhile stopped and I looked up and behind us to see why. There was no escape... we had no where else to run because two other monsters we're in front of us and there's one behind us. I was gonna scream until me and most likely Journal passed out. Nothing but darkness was left to be seen.

🔑Treasure chest🗝's POV

[at the next day and everyone realized Journal and Post-it note hasn't returned yet]

I was standing around looking at the distance which was where I last saw Journal and he was with post-it note, walking away to somewhere. I heard chattering and talking all around me which was mostly of concern of what must've happened to them as they don't usual just disappear for a whole day like that. My mind was all over the place of what might've happened. The chattering stopped after Gold Ingot yelled for everyone to shut up to announce something, most likely a contest. "Well, as you guys should already know, two contestants are missing but haven't been missing for a full 24 hours, just 23 hours. For this, I set challenge so we can at least try looking for them for the time being. Just do anything to try and find them after 4 hours past, go!" No surprise that he has us do this since he'd expect us to know a little more about them and might know where they'd go. I'd doubt anyone knew possible places they have went since no one knows where they go to work on something but it's still worth a shot.


There was no luck. Nobody found them. "Well that was a fail. Instead of putting anyone up to elimination, the viewers will vote for a team to get an advantage. I'm gonna report Journal and Post-it note missing since it's been 27 hours since they've went missing" gold ingot said walking off. Everyone began to walks off into the cabins so I did so too.

I got on the bed I slept on, took out the diary that Journal gifted me. I looked through a drawer for a pen and found one. I went back to my bed and started writing in it til' I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yell to whoever's on the other side of the door, it was globe. "Hey, sorry for coming in when it's late but do you have a pen I could borrow?" "Yea, just let me get it" I went through the drawers again and found another pen. I handed him the pen, he walked out, closing the door behind him, and I went back to my bed. I wrote and eventually went to head to bed after finishing. Tomorrow I'll go and try to keep looking for them especially Journal.

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