Operation: REVERT, Part 1: The Diary of King Kroctus

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I cannot believe King K. Rool was invited to Smash. All they need is Eggman, and Team Gnaa will FINALLY be complete in that series! (Y'know, besides the non-game crossovers.) What better way to honor the King than his own story? Hell, he didn't even get a short story in the Firstborn Saga! Six years later, I am making up for that!

Chapter 1: The Diary of King Kroctus

Crocodile Isle, Mushroom World; 53 years ago

There was a wretched disease that plagued many worlds of the universe. That disease was called diversity. And in a world where there was so much diversity, so many races living together, some races were bound to be better than others, not just in strength, but in power. And my race was near the bottom of the food chain.

Crocodile Isle was a murky, unpleasant island that was away from any trade routes. The villages were half-submerged in the swamps that were our natural habitats. We were the Kremling Klan: humanoid crocodiles that walked and talked like any other species on this planet. We were more intelligent than Piranha Plants, stronger than Goombas... and stronger than Toads.

If Earth had Caucasian humans, then Mushroom had Toads. ...And Caucasian humans. The most prosperous towns are run by Toads, and you would be lucky to find one with Goombas or Koopas living amongst them. Why were our races oppressed? I don't really remember. What I do remember is my first interaction with a Toad. He was some nobleman, rather tall for a Toad, with a white robe and blue spots, yet he was barely a few inches taller than my brothers and I.

We were 10 years old when I fought him. Our neighborhood gang was cheering for me, and it drew the attention of other townsfolk. I ran at the Toad with a headbutt, but one swing from his golden hammer was enough to send me back. "Ya almost had him, Kroctus!" cheered Krusha, a blue, muscular Kremling boy.

"Do a belly bump!" yelled Klump, an obese purple Kremling. Taking his advice, I ran for the nobleman and leapt forth with my golden belly first, and the Toad fell on his back. The krowd cheered me, but the Toad only grew angry.

"That's it! You've tried my patience, brat!" He grabbed a Fire Flower from his pocket and ate it, using his temporary bending to throw fireballs at me. I bounced them back with my gold stomach, but they came too quickly, and they scorched the left side of my face.

As my friends cried my name, we felt the ground shake. The Khief of our island was coming, a very massive Kremling that dwarfed most trees, wearing a horned skull crown and his expression most grim. He was the kind who would make snacks out of Toads like him. Or at least... I wish he was. "Oh, please forgive them, Minister Hay D.!" pled Krumdy Lumsy, his eyes close to tearing. And yes, they were honest tears. "They're only children. They don't know anything. Th-That's why we needed the extra funding for our school."

"It's clear to me that these mindless reptiles won't learn a thing no matter how much funding you have! There's no reason to waste it in this island. Now, would your offspring please clear a path for me to leave?"

"Y-Yes, Minister. OUT OF THE WAY!" His cowardice tone quickly turned to that of a king, and the Kremlings moved away in fear. No one tried to stop Hay D. on his way off the island.

"I told you not to pick a fight with that man." said my youngest brother, Klammy Rool as he placed a warm bag over my burning eye. Normally an ice bag was preferred, but as we are a cold-blooded race, it would only make things worse. "Honestly, Kroctus, being the strongest is not all that matters."

"Better than being a pushover like that fat coward. You hear me, dumbass?! YOU'RE A PUSS!"

"Now, son," Krumdy began gently, "I know that man was a bit rude, but that was no reason to get rough with him. Otherwise, you prove to be the very thing you despise-"

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