Fun and Games, Thrills and Kills

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Let's begin our first chapter of 2019, ladies and gentlemen! Oh, and for future reference, Skaios is voiced by Charlyne Yi, so he sounds like Ruby from SU.

Chapter 3: Fun and Games, Thrills and Kills

Free Kingdom; a few hours ago

The Sunny Day calmly passed through the oxygen bubble of one of the floating islands. There were spotlights directing them to a landing pad, where pirates awaited them. It was only natural they wouldn't just let anyone in without a brief checkup. The operatives docked at the landing pad as the pirates, who were dressed in White Lotus uniforms, led them inside. "General Dio, these are all the passengers on the pirate ship. They're Sector V of the Kids Next D-"

"'ang on now, when we're on that baby, we're called the Raccoon Pirates." Sheila corrected. "And Ah'm the captain, Sheila the Sunny Fist!"

"The Raccoon Pirates?" a voice spoke from the darkness. Upon searching for the source, the kids saw a single eye gazing from the ceiling. "Yes, I know of them. They're the ones who destroyed the former Big Mom." The figure opened a black and red cape and glided to the floor. He was a blonde man with a bandaged right eye, yellow overalls, and vampire fangs.

White Lotus General, 18th Sky God Captain

"Rogue Subject" DIO VER-

Sheila PUNCHED the vampire in the jaw with a Light Sphere. "AAAH, IT'S DIO! He's the bloke that worked for the Thirteen Darknesses!"

"NO NO NO!" Dio shouted, waving hands frantically. "My name is Dio Verando! Ugh, I get sick of being compared to that character. And I'll never forgive Vaati for giving me a vampire Devil Fruit! He did it on purpose because he knew it would tick me off!"

"Okay, okay, Sheila's sorry, Dio." Aurora said. "But you're with the White Lotus?"

"I actually remember you!" Vanellope beamed. "I think Dad helped you on one of his missions. You remember Mr. York?"

"Yes, I do remember. And yes, I am a White Lotus officer. Sometime after our battle with the Inferius army, Vaati went missing, and we learned about this band of pirates that were stealing entire islands. Their captain seemed extremely similar to Vaati, so we joined them in the hopes of finding him. If you're here, then I assume you're on a mission?"

"We were hoping to speak to Skaios. He is the captain of this crew, right?" Aurora asked.

"Well, right now a boy named Masaru is captain. But the crew is basically dependent on Skaios." Dio led the operatives outside, viewing a plain of monstrous mutant animals. When the sun touched Dio, he reverted to a human form. "Although the 'rules' of this kingdom are based on our own personal morals, there is a primary requirement that all residents here need: a rebellious spirit."

"Seems rather ambiguous." Chris said.

"Skaios is able to smell a rebellious heart inside anyone and he tends to find kinship with them. Even if you're just visiting, new arrivals have to embrace the freedom of this kingdom by taking part in our games. For instance, in a few hours, we'll be holding a race, starting on this island."

"For real?!" Vanellope exclaimed. "You're gonna have a race?! Hot dog, sign me up! I'm gonna blow everyone away, just you watch me!"

"Are you sure? Skaios himself will be taking part, and believe me, he gets pretty violent."

"Violent, shmiolent." Sheila remarked. "Vanel, you show 'em how it's done. And remember, this is your first mission as a Raccoon Pirate."

"Aye-aye, Captain Sheila!"

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