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Warning: lime 


"Thanks for helping clean up, Keefe." Linh smiled at him as he took down the last banner.

"Oh no problem, Linh. I did cause a lot trouble and make most of the messes, so I think i should probably also pay you for damages?" Keefe joked.

"You should." Stina said.

"Most definitely." Marcua agreed.

"You should expect some big dollars from this one." Marella added.

"Okay, Heathers, you and Veronica can go to a nearby candy store and fuck off, thank you very much." I rolled my eyes at they're criticism.

"Is Keefe staying for breakfast?" Linh asked me.

"Is Keefe staying for the night?" Marella smirked.

"Is Keefe staying forever?" Maruca tilted her head to the side.

"Yes for all of those." Keefe grinned.

"He's had too many drinks." I announced loudly before the Gossip Gang could pepper him with any more questions. "Stina, go tell Sandor that Keefe's sleeping over. Maruca, help Linh with the dishes. Marella, call all the parents besides Keefe's that they're kid is sleeping over." They all looked up at me, surprised to find me bossing everyone around, "hey, if you can't handle me being mean, you can go home now."

No one responded, so I grabbed Keefe's hand and took him upstairs, not wanting to hear anyone else's shit.

"I'm feeling reckless, just going to warn you." I said while we walked down the hallway.

"You know, it was really hot when you were yelling at everyone." Keefe whispered in my ear as I opened the bedroom door.

I closed and locked the door. "Oh really?" I pinned him up against the door, "you like when I'm bossy?"

"I'm not saying I like it..." He leaned closer, "I'd rather try you on than the other way."

"You have more experience, I guess." I let go of him and we switched positions. "This better for you?"

He practically purred, "Yes."

He pushed me up against the door, leaving no negative space between us but still too much space. Keefe's lips touched mine, being too gentle. I wrapped my arms around his neck, demonstrating how I wanted him so bad that if I were glass I'd break for his touch. He read my thoughts and kissed me harder and rougher, making me make a humming sound in my throat. His licked my lips, begging to get in my mouth. I refused him entry, to be annoying. He showed me he wouldn't take that shit and bit my bottom lip. I gasped and Keefe got into my mouth, fighting my tongue for dominance. I gave up easily, not used to being kissed in such an arousing manner. He continued kissing me sloppily down my neck, making me groan and gasp at every sensation he gave me.

I wanted him more, but I was too overwhelmed by my feelings to want to continue more. Keefe caught onto my displeasure and stopped kissing me.

"Hello, Tam." He greeted me, combing my hair out of my eyes so I could see all of his face.

"Hi Keefe." My voice was so trembly from the new experience, and it made Keefe smile softly.

"Maybe we should get dressed before we do anything more...extreme?" He suggested

"I was just thinking of that, you know."

"I'm an empath, you know." I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, you need help getting dressed?" I teased.

"That was one time." Keefe said, "I couldn't control the amount of butter blasts I wanted and it just descended into chaos."

"Uh huh. That's what you're saying."

And we continued to banter all through the night.

The end

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