Waiting Frozen in Time

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***Alberto's POV***

It's been what? One year? 

A whole year since I last saw the tiny ball of clumsyness!

I wonder how his life has been. I hope he made good friends-- but not as good as me of course!

But uhhh

Alberto's legs pecariously hang off the lonley stone tower as he holds Luca's most recent letter in his hands.

Dear Albie,

Life has been good good, my secret is still safe.

And guess what! I'm coming back to Puerto Rico.


"Why is he so cryptic in his writing", Alberto grumbled to his pet rooster. 

"karrr cawww" the rooster muttered.

"yeah", Alberto replied to the only living thing in his dark abyss.

What's more, it looks as if  there are so many erased scribbles --and I even can't read them! 

Alberto fustratingly, but carefully put the letter back in his pocket.

***Luca's POV***

"He probably thinks the letter is weird", Luca mumbled, sad that he couoldn't express what he was feeling in words. Instead, I write emotionless and short stuff.  

Luca dug his head deeper into his sleeves. "At least I added a smiley face", Luca sighed.

"Yeah right, Luca", his classmate rolled his eyes, "just stop worrying about it".

"sure", Luca said.

But at the same time Luca whispered in his head as if his words were traveling across the stars to Alberto: See you soon Albie... I miss you...

Growing Bumps by Time -- A Tale of Two Tail Boys (LucaxAlberto)Where stories live. Discover now