Reunited maybe

14 1 0

***Alberto's POV***

---The next morning--

I find a random letter placed by my pillow. 

"Well  thats abit creepy..." I think as I open it.

I'm coming today! 1:01 pm!


I can immedietly tell it is from Luca, probuably... and if it isn't... then meh, ill be sad and a bit scared.

I squirm like a slug out of my bed ready to catch a glimpse of the sunrise.

Sunrise, yes sunrise. Huh? No sunrise?

I check my watch and it says one. 1:00 PM.


I put on the first clothes I spot then rush downstairs (tumbling down a couple steps along the way).

I pass Massimo cooking lunch. 

"Mornin' Mr. Massimo! Luca here! Back soon!", I exclaim rushing out the door.

I check my watch. 45 seconds until Luca arrives at the train.

But, it takes 20 minutes to walk there...

Swimming it is!

I dive off the deck with a splash and start swimming as my tail forms.

40 seconds.

[Fun fact: the fastest fish can swim up to 70 miles per hour]

I splash out of the water with the ease of a syncronized swimmer.

10 seconds.

My legs are stiff from swimming so fast in my other form, but my heart pulls my legs ahead.

5 seconds.

I see the station. The train comes in.

1 second.

I arrive just as the doors open and a huge crowd of people crawl out.

He's probuably so overwhelmed by this huge crowd of people. I've gotta find him.

I put my detective skills to use.

Looking for:

--soft fluffy hair

--fidgeting hands

--tiny feet

--tiny head

--tiny hands

--very short

--very short

--very ...


"Wha-", I jump up and try to spin around to face the voice but a hug stops me from turning around, "WHO!?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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