Chapter 3

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Throwing open the front door of his apartment, Max called out, "Honey, I'm home!" He trudged inside, tracking snow in behind him.

Riley poked her head out of the kitchen, a squirming Chloe in her arms. "I'm not your honey," she said, lifting Chloe for him to see. Sauce covered his daughter's face, neck, and hands. "Please take her."

Max laughed and set down the bags of groceries he carried. "You look good with a baby on you, Riles," he said.

"Go fuck yourself," Riley said with a grin. She shoved Chloe into his arms, streaking sauce on his coat. "You're late and I have to go to work." She grabbed her coat.

Tucking Chloe under one arm, he moved to stop Riley. "My last final ran over a bit. I had to stop for groceries. Don't be mad."

She shoved past him, ducking her head. Snow swirled inside from the still open door. Without another word, she stomped out.

Max sighed. Carrying Chloe into the kitchen, he whistled "Jingle Bells." Chloe laughed. He sat her on the counter, grabbed a paper towel, and began cleaning her up. "Babies are supposed to get messy," he muttered. "You've really done it this time, though." As he dampened another paper towel, a ding from his computer announced a new email.

Blinking at Chloe with dark circles under his eyes, Max yawned. "I think we'll take a nap on our new free couch," he told his daughter. Picking her up again, he carried her past the bags of groceries on the floor and flopped down on the couch. He sat her on his lap and, taking her hands in his, lifted her arms into the air. "Whee!" he cooed. She giggled, but yanked her hands away. Scooting down from his lap, she lowered herself to the floor.

"Suit yourself," he said, laying back. He watched as she toddled over to the desk, and tucked an arm behind his head. "Daddy's just gonna rest," he yawned. His eyelids drooped, and exhaustion tugged at him. As he drifted away, his daughter burbled one tiny word.


Cracking an eye open, he looked at her. She sat on the chair at his desk, her hands slapping at the keyboard of his laptop. "Oh, no you don't," he said, struggling to his feet.

The screen lit up and the computer came to life, his email program open on the screen. Crossing the room, he plucked Chloe from the chair and put her on the floor. "No computer for you," he told her. As he leaned forward to close the laptop, he noticed that he had a new email. Reading the subject line, he settled into his chair, his fatigue swept away by surprise. His eyes widened.

"Looks like someone responded to our ad," he said, clicking it open.

Inside the email, a link took him to the responder's resume. "Savannah Santos," he read out loud. He scanned through her credentials. She had watched three other children before, all of them under the age of six. Nodding to himself, Max read the rest of it. She was a student at Naugatuck Valley Community College, or had recently graduated. The resume didn't specify.

Her cover letter said she was available immediately. Rubbing at the light stubble on his face, Max read through her resume again. She seemed perfect. She even mentioned something about providing educational activities. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed her number. Blood pounded in his head as he lifted the phone to his ear.

It rang. He swallowed hard. It rang again. He curled his free hand into a loose fist, sweat dampening his palms. If this girl was really available right away, he could call the music store and pick up some extra hours. They always needed extra help during the holiday season.

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