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The fights are today.
1: Jason and Alex
2: McKenzie and Kylee
3: Cierra and Liz
4: Josie and Luke
5: Mar and TT
6: Josh and Sammi

Even though Josie beat Liz, she looks pretty tough.
Four says, "Alright, initiates. Today's first fight is Jason and Alex. To the ring. And.... Go!" Jason makes the first move. He shoves his hand into Alex's nose, probably breaking it. Alex holds his nose to stop the bleeding, while Jason charges at him. Jason knocks him out cold. McKenzie and Kylee step into the ring.

Kylee's POV
I step into the ring and we start. I jab her stomach with my elbow. While she's down, I kick her repeatedly. She gets up, and punches at me. I easily dodge it and kick her in the gut. Four comes up and grabs my arms and yanks me out of the ring. "Hey. You can stop now. You won." I look over at the door, and see Tris carrying McKenzie to the infirmary. I am about to slap Four so he will let go, but he has. "Tris told me to tell you that you broke her ankle and her rib." I run out off the room and head to the infirmary. I stop halfway there and burst into tears. I don't know why I did that. I was amity. That was something no Amity could handle. But now I'm dauntless. I get up and wipe my face. I go to the piercing place to get my ears repeirced. I had them done when I was little. I find a pair of earrings I absolutely love. They look like a burning fire in the shape of the Dauntless Symbol. I pull myself together and run to the infirmary. "What room is McKenzie in?" "Room 406." I nod and run to the forth hallway, I knock slightly on her door.

McKenzie POV
I hear a slight knock on my door. I mumble "come in." I open my eyes and Kylee comes in. "McKenzie, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I don't know wha-" I cut her off. "Kylee it's okay. It's fine. It doesn't really hurt." "No. It's not okay." I look at her and see that she is on the verge of tears, and lots of them. I was right. She burst into tears. For the first time I take a good look at her. She is tall, skinny she has blonde hair and blue eyes. "The doctor said I can leave this afternoon. I'll take you shopping. You can get your hair highlighted like mine." She's still crying but she nods. The doctor comes in. "McKenzie, we looked at your X-ray wrong. You rib is not broken, it is only bruised. You can leave now, just sign here." I sign the paper and get my crutches. "Let's go Kylee."

Once we get to the Pit, we run to a store. Well, I hobble. I get a pair of gray combat boots, a leather jacket, and a pair of converse. Kylee got Dauntless pajamas and black leather flip flops. We go to the dorm and find a surprise.

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