Exiled angel

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The harsh weather. Rain pouring from the sky. Moon hidden behind the dark clouds. Feathers being ruffled. Being tore apart. The sadistic smile. Eyes staring into his souls. Small peeps of pain filling the air along side the drumming of the rain.

"Maybe Tommy. Maybe if you told me. I would have been a LOT nicer." Sadistic smile still staring into his soul. Dream turned around. Bloody axe strapped to his back and a bloody dagger still in hand. A small pouch full of feathers in hand. feathers soft as cotton since the feathers belong to a small angel fledgeling. A being known for it's pure heart and very expensive feathers.

Tommy laid there. Tears still streaming down his face. He could hear nothing else that a small voice in his head yelling at him to stay still. Yelling at him to hide from the predator, to find his flock. Sobs and small peeps that would normally be heard were drowned by the sound of the rain. No help in sight.

It took time but Tommy pulled himself together. Wrapping his bloody wings tight to his body and curling in on himself. There was nothing he could do. Yet his instincts pushed him on as he walked out of the small cabin in logstedshire. Stumbling towards the trees. Why? Not even Tommy knew but his instincts pushed urged him on.

His mind was mostly overtaken by fog. He could not think. Only thing going throughout his mind was the pain. The extruding pain all over his body. Another painful peep. Tommy slid down agains a tree. This was gonna be his end. Weeks in exile. Weeks under the torture Dream made him go through. God, everything would be fine if dream hadn't found out. Maybe if Dream would at least have a bit of good in him he wouldn't have done this.

All types of questions flew through Tommy's head as he felled his continuousness leave him. Quit sobs and peeps echoed around him as his eyes began to close. Last image before his eyes. A panicked and drenched crow flying towards him. The panicked chirps of the animal and steady beating of wings. Then darkness. No pain. No stupid instincts. Just darkness, peace and quite.


It was a hell of an evening for Phil. The wind quickly picked up and soon after the rain started. Since Phil lived with Techno in the tundra instead of a heavy downpour it started hailing. Which was bad. Very bad. He had to collect all of his crows so now the inside of the house looked like a kindergarten. Even worse was the fact that some crows would rather die for their point than go inside the damn house.

"C'mon you rascal. Inside, go!" The crow just Squawked at him. Looking at him like he was the stupid one.

Just as he was about to yell back another crow landed right beside the original. The new arrival seemed to be in even worse conditions that the original. Phil sighted at the sight of yet another crow outside of the nest. His wings twitching in irritation. He was about to use force when the new comer chirped at him.

Phil froze in place at the tone. Pure panic. The poor crow sounded panicked out of it's mind. The chirping didn't stop there. The crow sounded more and more panicked as it continued it's panic speech. Phil's heart dropped. A fledgling in danger. The crow was yelling about a fledgling. Fledgling that clearly needed serious help.

Without a second thought, the avian rose into the sky. His caretaker instincts kicking in faster than people shutting of their alarms in the morning. The crow didn't even have time to react as it was scooped up. It's shock was short-lived as it began navigating Phil. Out of the tundra into a forest biome. Soon he could see the forest transitioning into plains. As he got to the edge he dived down.

There. By a tree. Laid Tommy. Tommy with wings. Tommy with angel wings. Tommy with bloodied angel wings. Phil once again stood frozen. Just looking. Tommy had wings. Oh god they looked so small and in such a bad shape. The longer he stood there just looking, the more his mind shook of the shock, the more possessiveness took it's place.

With a dark grin on his face, Phil went over to Tommy, picking him up and tucking him into his kimono as he opened his wing. Their full length showing. For normal people it was a beautiful sight but for avians and elytrians alike it was a warning. Whoever did this will pay. And with that the Angel of Death took of with a fledgling in his arm and a whole new mindset and an entire plan for the following decade. The fledgling is his to protect. His to take care of and his to keep no matter what the fledgling has on it's mind. Tommy is apart of Phil's flock and Phil will make sure Tommy will know that.


Soft. Everything was so soft. It felt like heaven. Tommy moved a bit trying to burry himself in what felt like clouds themselves but stopped and groaned as soon as the pain hit him. It was a lot more manageable. His eyes felt glued shut. The world around him was slowly getting to him.

Just as he was about to relax back into the soft material another thing hit him like a truck. There was a strong scent around him. It was heavy and Tommy's instincts panicked at the exposure of such a strong scent. That was what finally made Tommy bolt. He opened his eyes and sat up at the speed of light. Once again groaning at the now almost not noticeable pain over his body. Looking around not much could be seen.

The windows were drawn shut. However there's one thing he recognised. The soft material. The entire centre of the room was covered in it. Blankets, pillows and some pieces of clothing, all over the place.

Tommy himself didn't recognise anything but his instincts purred at the sight. The pull from his instincts was so strong a trilling chirp left Tommy's mouth. Yet this was no time to just lounge around. Where. The. Fuck. Was. He. He fell asleep at logstedshire and now he was somewhere possibly safe? This is it. Dream hat to sell him to someone. He had to! There is no way in hell we could possibly be safe?!

As panic rose into his head he fail to notice the footsteps that seemed to get closer. He seemed to fail at noticing the scared peeps leaving his mouth as his body shrunk on itself. As his own wings tried to encase as much of his body as they could. Fail to notice how he managed to move into a corner as more peeps fell out. And finally failed to notice how the door opened and someone entered. However he noticed the comforting coo that was audible enough, even for him.

Tommy's head shot up looking straight at the person who was ab-... Phil. Looking at Phil. Someone who he viewed as a father figure but mainly a person who left him for dead.

Shocked blue neon eyes staring into ice blue ones. Something hidden behind them. Something dark.

Tommy's mind was spiralling to quickly. He had no time to react when Phil scooped him up. But he did have enough time in Phil's arms and he was gonna use it for his brilliant escape.

Phil was still making comforting coos at him but that didn't matter as a real battle began. Tommy kicked and punched and god, he did fucking try to bite but it all ended useless when Phil let out a single, warning chirp.

His body froze. Going limp in Phil's arms. His vision now obstructed by Philza's massive wings. A single word muted from the older avian made Tommy realise what was happening.


Tommy knew about this. He knew that avians loved to yoink fledgling but hell no! As his struggling returned Phil just took both of his hands into one of his. Reaching for something with the other.

"My baby bird. My little angel."

Panicked chirps have left his mouth at the sight of ribbons being tied around his wrist,


Tommy wanted to scream but his instincts were louder. The only sound leaving his mouth being a distressed chirp.

Phil scooped up the child encasing him fully in his wings. Chirps left his mouth. Letting go of Tommy's now tied hands as he cradled him closer.

His mind was a fog. He was fucked. Damn it! But... this wasn't all that bad. He felt safe. At least that's what his instincts were telling him. His body relaxed.

"My fledgling, I'll never let you go."

1482 words in total

Edit: Some polishing since I didn't read it after myself the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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