Chapter one: Three Years Later...

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It had been a long day at work and I was tired all I wanted to do was come home and chill. But I knew that wasn't possible when I had to take care of pre a teen one who was straight feeling herself and another one who just swore he was the shit. I walked in the house and I could hear loud music playing ugh not this shit again I went over to Rayvontae's room and I heard someone in there moaning I know damn well this lil nikka ain't have no lil hoe up in my house. I didn't say anything just turned the door knob which happened to be open door to see my lil bro and some girl going at it. I didn't think I couldn't think I just straight into parent mode.

"Yo Rayvonte Omarion Johnson what the hell are you doing?" I yelled with no remorse.

"Man Keisha what do it look like I'm doing?" he replied pushing the girl off him.

"Mutha fucker if you don't get yo ass up right got damn now I swear I am going to beat the shit out of you." I yelled walking over to him.

"Man Keisha you treat me like I'm a damn baby or something." He said pulling up his boxers.

"I never said that you where a little boy but damn in my house Ray what the hell?" I replied shaking my head.

"Man Keisha you I swear you be acting like my fucking mama sometimes." He said rolling his eyes.

"I am all the mother you do have nikka I am the one that took care of you and that fast ass sister of yours. I didn't get a chance to live my life as a fucking kid. You wanna know why?" I asked now pissed off.

"Aroyal baby time to go my sister is finna start this shit again call yah later." He said kissing the girl on the lips.

I rolled my eyes as the girl walked out and spoke to me. what the hell you gone say hey to me when you just got through fucking in my damn house I swear lil girls were so fucking disrespectful at times shit people period. I shook my head rolled my eyes and looked back over at Rayvonte who was now putting on some shoes.

"Where are you about to go?" I asked.

"I am going out where you think I'm going." He replied getting up.

Before I knew I had grabbed him by the neck and slammed him up against the wall.

"Ouch Keisha let me go you are hurting me." He replied.

"O I'm hurting you now huh?" I asked smirking.

"Keisha ouch okay I am sorry I didn't mean to disrespect you."He replied no gasping for air.

I sighed shook my head and took my hand from around his neck I looked at him then walked out the room. Here we were again with this thing in my head these thoughts I grabbed my bags and walked out the front door. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and pressed the number one and the phone rung like three times until the person that I called answered.

"Yo wuz up what it does?" The voice responded.

"Yo man you got that shit for me?" I asked.

"Yea come by and pick it up."

"Alright man gotcha."

"Yo ma one more thing before you hang up." he responded.

"Yea wuz up?" I asked.

"When you gone let me get that?"

"Neva nikka now have my shit before I bust yo ass straight like that." I said hanging up in his face.

He made me sick thought someone was always pose to give his sick minded ass something haha never nikka never you cursed dick mutha fucka. I hopped in my car and rode over to the spot to get my package. When I arrived there I saw to dudes standing outside the trap I got out my car then slipped my gun in my waist and walked up to the trap.

"Damn wuz up Black?" Asked one of the dudes.

I didn't respond I just nodded my head and walked inside I could hear them two talking about me that was nothing new. I swear I hated men and that was a passion I walked in went to the back and got my package then came back out. As I was walking out one of the dudes decided to be buck and grabbed my ass. I turned around and slid my gun out my pocket. There it was that feeling again I had gotten this feeling when I propped the gun up to his head.

"What the fuck nikka have you lost your mind?" I replied with base in my voice. "Yo Black man I am sorry damn don't shoot me please.

"Black don't shoot me please." I responded back laughing. He sounded like a little pussy this nikka was all bitch I shook my head because Jay didn't need no one like this on his team.

"Yo you bitching up nikka?" Jay asked coming out the house.

"Naw man Naw she caught me off guard."

"Man fuck all that dumb shit can I rocket his ass. I done told him that he had one more time to touch or disrespect me and I was going to blow his top off." I replied with the coldest look in my eyes.

"Naw black calm all that down we don't need the boys over here." He responded walking back in the house I shook my head and stuck my fire back in my waist then looked at the dude and smiled.

"Nikka you been saved but next time it won't be a next time." I said smirking and walking off.

I hopped in my car and sped off down the road tonight was going to be a good night after all.

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