DaiSuga - Part 3

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Everyone went their seperate ways, saying their goodbyes.

Tanaka, Ennoshita, Nishinoya, Narita and Kinoshita went one way.
Kageyama, Asahi and Hinata went the other way.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi went another way.
And Daichi and Sugawara went a different way.

Daichi and Sugawara always walk together every after practice as their streets are kinda close to each others' (not really but ... oh well ;).

They walk in silence. They've never had this kind of silence before. Awkward silence as people say.

Daichi: 'We've never walked with this kind of silence before. It's not a very comfortable silence either.'
Sugawara: 'I'm not used to this. It's too quiet. I could probably ask him a question. To start a conversation.'

Sugawara: S-so, how's Calvin?

Calvin is Daichi's dog.

Sugawara: 'What kind of question was that-? So lame!'

Daichi: H-he's good. Uhhh ... thanks for asking?

Daichi: 'That was the lamest answer you could've given, Daichi! It's obvious Suga's trying to cover up the silence and start a conversation! And there you go answering with the lamest answer possible!!'

Then, it starts raining light showers.
Suga spots Daichi's house.

Sugawara: Welp! There's your house! I guess I'll see you tomorrow?
Daichi: Y-yeah! I'll see you tomorrow!

Daichi felt the light showers. So he wanted to ask Suga if he'd like to borrow an umbrella.
Just as Suga was about to turn the street, Daichi yells.

Daichi: Suga!!

Suga turned.
Sugawara: Yeah?

Daichi: U-um ... it's going to start raining pretty hard ...
Daichi: 'Come on, say it ..!'
Daichi: ... and I don't mind if you stay at my place tonight!

Daichi said quickly.

Daichi: 'Phew. I said it! Good job Dai-! Wait a minute ... No!! That's not what you're suppose to say! Stupid! Stupid!! *Sigh...* You can't do anything about it now I guess ...'

Sugawara: 'Woah! Did not expect that especially after that AWKWARD silence ...'
Sugawara: Uumm ...

Sugawara didn't know what to say as he was too shock to say anything.

Sugawara: 'What should I say?? I mean, I would love to stay the night at his place! Just for one night! Nothing ... weird ...

Sugawara smiled.

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