🔮| Introduction |🔮

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| Just a few tips for this story for anyone confused for small code names |

| E/C |: Eye Color

| H/L |: Hair Length

| H/C |: Hair Color

| F/C |: Favorite Color

| Y/N |: Your Name

| L/N |: Last Name

📖| If you were confused on what these mean't hopefully these helped you get a better estimate/be informed what these mean! |📖

🧮| Details on story: There isn't going to be any sexual interaction in here like smut , etc. I see Ford more as an Asexual person but that's just an educated guess , I don't mean to assume his sexuality , but just to acknowledge you all there is no smut or sexual interactions , this story is going to be mostly soft for example: Hugs , Cuddles , kisses , etc. |🧮

⚱️| Word count: 140 |⚱️

🪬| This page Takes around 30 secs- 1 minute to read for an average person. |🪬

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