The Unexpected Adventure

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the morning sun crept into the mouth of a cavern, the light only reaching so fare into the darkness but enough to stir the hybrid inside, slowly rising from the nest of furs he lay opon the draki groaned as he streched, his blue eyes lazily looked around his home as he stood to his full height his hand reaching up to fulff his curly locks. wheres in a small nest outside in the cold of a morning did a ceartin harpy stay deep in her dreams fethers bristling in the chill of moning the trees branchs sway as the harpy rose from her slumber snores turm to grumbling as the sun spilled into the tree she lived in its beams glistesning though the many trinkets she kept stashed away from prying eyes. her hair rest in knarls, the feathers puffed up from the soft cloths and branches.

both not knowing there fates would both entertwind togerther as they got ready for the day.

taking a deep breath the draki forced his bones and wings to conforme into  himself a feeling of discomfort overtook him as he reached for the trousers on the floor, his breath steamed the room as he closed his eyes to dress himself in the wreached cloths the nearby humans wear, gathering his hair up he ties it with a leather cord grumbling to himself as he walked more twords the entrance to his home kicking stray stones out of his way, snaching the knapsack he pulled a pair of glasses out of it and slipped them on his face, he began his stroll to the town throgh the forest at the foot of his mighty but lonely mountain, as per usaul he feels eyes watching him through the branches, the birds squawk at somthing in the trees as if they are annoyed, the sounds of the market flooded the air, it was lively today, the towns men seemed to be chasing somthing around angrely the glint of jewls took the drakis notice as he set his knakpsack down on the shelf of his stall, "YOU FOUL BEAST!" a villager bellowed as he swatted at the small creature with a broom, a high pitched squawk arose from the beast as hit was smacked away dropping a few of the jewlers jewls,  the creature darted under the dress of the bakers wife causing her to screech and dropp the tray she held,slidding out of her dress from the back was a giant crow that tried to fly but ended up crashing into the ground, the jewler huffed as he kicked the crow away fron the bag of jewls from the ground. "stupid bird!" the drakis face hardened as he looked at the creature wheeze on the floor, quickly the crow darted for the trees a loaf of bread clenched in its claws as it crashed into the tree line. the draki looked twords the trees his senses uncomfortably stalled in his human form, mindlessly he set his stall listening to the villagers complain.

"maybe it was a demon?"

"a demon dosent have feathers"

"could it be a forest spirt?"

"a nymph with feathers? ha!"

"nymphs are beautiful! not feathery monsters!"

the draki looks twords the trees from over his customers shoulder silently handing the human a book taking the 3 gold peices from them silently as the crowd disperced.

again he felt the eyes of somone or something on him

hissing lowley to himself he closed the entrence to his stall.

from the trees a slight wheeze could be heard aswel as the snapping of bone mending into place as the figure shifted from crow to a crow like human,

"son of a bitch" the figure curssed as the birds in the trees seemed to laugh.

grumbles could be heard as the harpy slumped to the floor there eyes never leaving the eyes of the stall in the distance.

focusing in the harpys feathers opon its crown brisseled as they stared at the males figure, he was lean more agile looking then the pudgey humans she steals from,

he peeked her intrest as she slowly crept closer as the sun decended into is slumber,

the rays seemed to catch in his curls,

she watched from the shadows as she creeped between the trees following the man with the sun in his locks,

she watched as he irritaitdly stowed his glasses into the knapsack, his lanky figure stormed to the foot of the mountain, glanceing back he glared into the shadows as if he senced the precence of another,

curiously the harpy tilted her head the black feathers puffed up around her neck as she stared in awe at the blue eyes of the man,

no not eyes of man eyes of dragon decent,  the slits seemed to harden as he hissed before climbing his mountain at unhuman speeds,

quickly the harpy dartted after keeping to the shadows her eyes never leaving the man,

as he reached an opening to the mountain above the fog banke he leaned forward to throw the knapsack inside,

the harpy watched curiously as the man stripped her eyes only wavering to dart away when his trousers began to fall,

she slowly gained the courage to peek only to have her breath stuck in her lungs,

great wings unfurled from the mans back as his skin turned a golden sheen as if scales had grown,

horns protruted from his forhed like a mighty crown glolden locks falling down his back as the leather cord was undone,

his tale unfurled as he streached.

the harpy unknowingly crooned as her feathers puffed up in excitment,

the draki snapped his head twords the shadows as he quickly yanked his trousers up tieing the strings quickly,

"who dares watch me." he snarled his blue eyes hardening like jewls,

the harpy squawked in suprice quickly shifting to a normal sized crow with sicking pops filling the air.

the draki growled as he stalked more into his cave,

his slumber uneasy as the harpy curled by the tree she hid in, her natural form covered in feathers but her face, a human face with bird like features stared up into the stars, her large inky wings cradling her as she smiled.

"his eyes sparkel like sapphires"
she crooned to herself as she stared up at the stars, smile never leaving her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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