Teen Romance

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A hoard of students rushed out of class, leaving food wrappers and this weekends homework crumpled up on the floor. Not that you could judge them as you were one of the first ones out the door. You shoved your earbuds into your ears as you bolted down the hall, blasting music as loud as your phone would allow you.This weekend would be pretty quiet. Last weekend you and your friends went out late at night, high and a bit buzzed off of stolen vodka. You walked around abandoned buildings and acted like fools in a Walmart parking lot. Everyone went home happy high and giggling.

The morning after, one of their moms found out they were out at night getting high. So this weekend you decided to lay low and just hang out at home. You didn't mind it, your room was your safe place with everything you loved and your soft bed.

Just as you reached the door a hand pulled on your shoulder firmly. You whipped your head around taking your earbuds out coming face to face with a grinning boy, slightly blushing and hair disheveled. It was Toby one of your friends. You didnt know him that well, he was a friend of a friend. Someone brought him along last weekend. At first it was akward when you two were left alone but after a while you warmed up to eachother. You found yourself giggling with him and telling him stupid embarrassing stories from your past.

Ever since then he's been clinging on to you during passing time rambling about anything and everthing. You didn't mind, he was funny and your personalities worked so well together. So you let him wrap his arm around your shoulder everyday while going on and on about a racoon he feed earlier that morning.

"Can I come over-r to you-your house?" He asked while trying to catch his breath leaning his arm on your shoulder.

He wanted to come over to your house? It's not like it's that wild of a question but it caught you off guard. You thought back to last weekend and all the fun you two had giggling about a stupid looking rock.

"Why not." You said with a smile. He was grinning ear to ear with a sparkle in his eyes.

"You got a ca-r-r?" You slightly looked up at him, he was tall but only a few inches taller than you.

"Hell yeah I got a car!" You said digging your keys out of your pocket and jinggling them with a grin on your face. Even thought it's been nearly a month since you got your car as a birthday gift, the thought of owning your own car was still fresh and exciting in your mind.

You both walked into the parking lot with students running around to get the hell out of there. When you saw your car you speed walked, dragging Toby by his arm. He showed no sign of discomfort with the sudden force. A soft blush appearing over his nose and cheeks with a small smile.

Once you reached your car you let go of Toby and dramtically presented your car with your arms out.

"Heres my hot ride!" It wasn't hot. It wasn't the worst looking but, it was an average car with a dint at the side and chipping paint. Its not the coolest or fastest car but its YOURS.

"Nice!" He giggled out. The drive was fun. You blasted music with all the windows down singing together and wildly laughing. You both had similar music taste and once you were home your throats were dry from singing, practically screaming the lyrics. You pulled into the driveway turning the music off still giggling.

You both made your way to the door backpacks hanging on shoulders and faces hot from singing and laughing.

"My parents wont be home until later so the house is ours for now." You said turning the key and shoving open the door with your shoulder. Toby quietly followed behind through the entrance. As soon as you made it into your room you threw your bag to the floor and flopped down on your bed with a sigh. Toby made himself right at home and flopped down next to you after setting his bag down.

"So.. what do you wanna do?" You asked laying your head to the side to look at him. He was only inches away from your face. You could see all the details of his face. The way his nose is slightly croaked and the way his eyes sparkle. You haven't noticed it before but he was pretty.

He was grinning at you a mischievous grin. He was up to something. He leaned over the edge of the bed to get to his bag, rummaging through it. When he got back up he was holding a pencil bag. You sat up raising your eyebrow in confusion. He slid next to you pencil bag in hand and grin wider. He zipped it open and pulled out a bowl with green gold and blue swirls then a smaller baggy of weed.

"You know I have my own shit you didn't have to bring that." You said looking him in the eyes playfully.

"I know ju-just let me t-treat you." He said with a smirk. You grinned at him as he got to work packing the bowl. Once he was done he asked if you wanted the first hit of course you declined smoking etiquette and all. You both scoot back to the headboard leaning on your pillows.

"So why do you smoke?" You asked as he tilted his head back Adam's apple slightly bobbing up. He softly blew out a cloud of smoke. You could feel the thumping of your heart speed up a bit.

"Helps-s with my men-mental shit." He answered letting out a soft laugh passing you the bowl. Your fingers softly slid over eachother. Once again your heart sped up. You guys went on like that for a while, talking about last weekend and stupid school drama while passing the bowl.

"Oo we should listen to music." You said leaning over to your nightstand to get your remote. You flipped on Spotify looking through your songs. You finally landed on a playlist you created with your recent favorite songs. Finally, it started to hit you, your eyes heavy and most definitely foggy and red. The music felt like it was washing through your blood and melting into you. You sunk into your pillows while Toby passed you the bowl.

"Wanna see some tricks?" Toby smiled and nodded, "Fu-fuck yeah." He was practically sinking into your bed eyes heavy and in pure bliss. You started with the classic O's. Toby raised his eyebrow eyes full of mischief.

"Tha-thats all you got-t?" You two went on passing the bowl doing tricks trying to top the other. You both ended up giggling cheeks red. Suddenly Toby got quiet and sat up, his eyes quickly flickering to your lips. He was smirking, eyes low and challenging.

"I got the best ta-trick." You looked at his face, god he was beautiful.

"Oh really?" You challenged smirking back at him.

"I don't think you do.." His eyes were sparkling as he took a long rip. He leaned over your body almost cradling you. He held the side of your face with his hand softly stroking it with his thumb. Before you could say anything he pressed his lips to yours. You gasped softly slightly parting your lips as he blew the smoke into your mouth. So that's what he was doing.. You inhaled the smoke as he backed away but still hovering over you. You blew the smoke right back into his face both of you flustered. Soon you found yourself softly pulling him back down to your lips, fingers tangled in his soft brown hair. Your lips moved together plump and excited. Toby leaned closer into you, holding you by your waist. He pressed harder into the kiss moving his lips faster. He slid his tongue over your bottom lip earning a soft gasp from you, and took this chance to slip his tongue past your lips. Your tongues slid over eachother. It was a nice feeling, wet and warm. He tasted almost like maple syrup, sweet.

You stayed there together lips moving against eachother pressing into the others body. At last you had to separate gasping for air. He looked down at you, grinning. You both busted out in laughter. You stayed close together that night watching stupid YouTube videos passing the bowl back and forth, giggling stupidly.

Teen Romance - Ticci Toby x Reader Where stories live. Discover now