bonus ■:■

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The AI Tony worked on:

(Pepper pov:)

I dont know why I keep coming down here.
I know Tony is dead, but I feel like one day, any day now, I can walk in and he'll be here, tinkering on some suit he'll just end up scrapping.

"Hey, Tony..." I whisper into the air, finally finding my voice.
"Its been a while...." tears escape my eyes, but I keep walking deeper in, for once not immediatly turning away.

"Y/n is still AWOL....... she makes me think of you, you know?" I take a deep breath.

"I miss you, Tony....."

"Well, I miss you too."

I jump up at the sound of Tony's voice, preppy and strong and....

"No. I'm still dead. This is an AI I set up.
Made of vibranium, and an alloy of my Father's design. Quite happy with it."

I rest my head against a wall.
"You knew...."
"I did."
".... why?"
"Why... did I know?"
"No." I chuckle.
"Why did you do it?"

"I don't know...."

Tony's last moment:

(Tony pov:)

I woke up to a red glow, one so unfamiliar yet so welcoming it could scare the hell out of the term "deja'vu" .

I make my way to sit up, recognizing the barren hillside of the very house I had made my ironman suit at.
"The suit wasn't even made of iron." I laugh, recalling the distant memory of Pepper giving me the name.

"Hi there, Dad...."
I look up at 2 female figures trailing towards me with an elegance unbeknownst to any human.
"Y/n..... Morgan?" I look to the 2 girls, Morgan in a teenagers body, Y/n in that of a grown woman's.
"Hello." The oldest of the two laughs.
"How.... you guys are so beautiful." I take my girls' faces into my hands, kissing their cheeks gently.

"Why, Daddy?" Y/n asks, folding into my touch.
"Because..... I've been prepared to die all this time. But it was always for the wrong reasons.
Now.... it wasn't. Losing half the world's population makes a person realise the extent they'd go for the other half. Or, in my case, my other half."


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