The Death of the Demon King

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Sue belongs to Myngxy

Demon King: Diavolo will become the leader of hell one day. But first he must defeat 100 enemies in battle! And then kill me.

Sue: You mean like...figuratively kill you, right?

Demon King: Er He must kill me with death.

Demon!Jordan's thoughts: I'M GONNA LIKE THIS PLACE!

Demon!Jordan: You get to kill your parents and take over their house?! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!

Demon King: I raised Diavolo in a very strict household. He said "I want mommy milkers!" I said, "NO!" Instead, I give him daddy milkers.

Diavolo: It wasn't the best childhood but I'm the king now so...that's something. *he kill his dad*

Asmodeus: So...that happened.


Asmodeus: what happened~?

Demon!Jordan: I DON'T KNOW!

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