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Arya Cato was seen as an incredibly smart child. It seemed as if she stored every little bit of information she received in her head and she was assumed to have a practically perfect memory. She was praised for it until it became a problem. Children usually don't think about the future very often because they're always so absorbed in figuring out their present. But that wasn't the case for a young Arya, she passively acknowledged everything around her while keeping her perfect recollection of everything that's already happened, so the only thing for her to think about was the future. There was no magic or ability involved outside of her brain going beyond what anyone expected and started using what she already knew both passively and actively to guess what would happen around her. Of course, there were times when she was wrong; when chance and coincidence reared their heads to remind her that life CAN be unpredictable at times, but it wasn't very often. While at first she was still praised for her predictions, over time the people around her thought it was creepy. Someone predicting everything they could say or do, and sometimes even their thoughts. It became too much and soon her parents had to find a place for her. That place ended up being Nevermore.

At first, it was still an interesting place. New species and people around her, everywhere she turned there was something else for her to internalize, she didn't mind leaving everything else for this new opportunity. It even came across as a challenge to her. How could she possibly predict what would happen in a completely strange environment? Sadly she soon learned that most of the students followed specific patterns, as did her classes, and almost everything around them. The routine-ness of it all quickly dampened her excitement, but she soon learned that this was where her parents wanted her to stay, despite her newfound levels of boredom. Soon she pulled away from everything around her, what was the point of trying? Even those who attempted to be her friend would be scared off when she would recite word for word whatever they were going to say to get her to join them. Soon she would just be acknowledged as the recluse and she didn't see a point in changing that. Until she met someone who didn't follow patterns or routines or even expected social norms among the outcasts. Even in a place where most could fit in, she still stood out. She was a new challenge and Arya could feel a part of her that had dulled long ago feeling intrigued.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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