where I'm I?

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(sorry for spelling mistakes)

I was running through the forest as per usual. I look for something to eat. I saw a random thing in the tree though. I look at, interested on what it is. I swing by tail put behind my head. I stare at it. The white box around the black thing. The white trees start moving in the cold draft passes by me. My tail fur blows back in the wind. My ears blow back as well.

I dash off in wind, my soft paws hold me up. I don't know what that is but it's nothing I have seen before. Then I see some berries on a small bush. I run over to them. My white paw crushing the snow under me. My ears tuck on to my head. I nip at the berries taking small bits in my mouth. They taste sweet and good. Lick my mouth with my long tongue. I was enjoying my food. My tail swing back and forth. I was happy joyful even then.

My ears shot up as I hear a booming noise. It's loud and fearful like lion. The clipping sound following after it like a race. It was fast not so fast that I can't hear it. I run like the wind in to the white forest. Fear in my eyes also tears. I neaver have Heard that before. I run into my den. I stay calm and quiet.

"Then I hear talking? I peak up to see to things walking? What are these things!?" I think in my mind they have tan beige skin, fur thing on there head and big thing in there hand. The is brown and black. It has a red thing in a hook like thing. Then one looks at me. I jump down and hide my tail in my face, ears down quick. Then footsteps running away shoot in my ears.

"I'm safe!" I think then !BAM! a dart is my face. I try to but everything slows down. The world slowly stops my body cold and numb. I'm awake but not awake really. My mind raced to one thing then other. My feel like rocks then drop. They down and closes. I was out.

375 words sorry its short

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