F*CK Monday

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Sigh...I hate Mondays, Monday Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday.
Yep, hate it.


I've been sighing a lot lately, maybe I'm sick? Nah, doubt it. I'm just bored.

What am I doing again? Oh right, paying attention to the teacher.
Does he really think I'm listening?

Does he think anyone's listening?
He probably doesn't even wanna be here.

Why is J. Cole's music so good?
I need to download more, like now.
But what song?

I wanna listen to happier than ever by Billie Eilish.
I need to listen to Billie Eilish.

"Miss Young, are you paying attention?" Mr. Martin asks, snapping me back to reality as I look at him and then the class.

Noticing that the class is staring at me.Shit. Kill me.
I look back at Mr Martin and nod. "Um, yes sir." Lie! I don't know shit of what you're teaching.

I look towards the board to see a bunch of math equations on the board and yeah, i know nothing! I hate math.

"Miss Young, we're waiting on your answer." I visibly gulp and nod my head looking at him then back at the board.

Why won't they stop staring at me, I can't do the attention. At all.

Looking back at the sir, I shrug my shoulders "I don't know answer." I say and he looks annoyed "but you said you were paying attention." "Yeah but that doesn't mean I was absorbing the information. One thing came in one ear, then went out the other." I say pointing at my ears and now he looks kinda mad while some people laugh at what I said.

"Detention." Is all he says, and I can't believe my ears.

Me? Detention? Never? I've never been to detention before.

Who the hell am i kidding, It's like a second home. In a way.
Welp, might as well zone out the rest of the class.

What time is it anyway?
Atleast they all stopped staring.
Time? 03:15pm. Fifteen more minutes.
I'll die in this classroom.

Cue loud school bell. Finally. I can go home. Finally!
After two hours of detention. Yay.
Note the sarcasm.

I walk out of class to throw a few of my books into my locker then go back to class and sit at the back, awaiting all the other delinquents and teacher of course.

Tapping my fingers on the desk, I stare at the door as people start filling up the room.

Am bored. What do we do when we're bored?
Think of ways to kill people?
Ways to kill myself?
Social media?
No phones allowed in here idiot.
Then fucking what?! Oh wait.
I could draw.

Taking out my sketch book and pencils, I start mindlessly doodling in my book.

Why would my mom name me that?
I don't hate it, but it feels wrong on me.
Oh well, you get what you get and even if you complain, you're still gonna have it.

Anime. Am gonna watch some.
Am a huge fan, so to anyone that hates it or thinks it's childish.
Am still gonna watch it.

Waving Infront of me grabs my attention. Oh shit.
Why is he waving at me.

I look back to make sure it's not me and shit, wall, shit, shit.
I look back at him and his and coming my way.
Why is he coming here?

No no, go away.The door is that other way, away from me.
Kill me, someone kill me right now!
Fuck his cute. No!
That is not where my train of thought should go.
Jump out the window.

"What is this, a movie?
How long does it take one guy to make it to someone's desk?"

"Not long really." A deep voice says Infront of me, making me jump and look up at the stranger.
"Did I say that out loud?" I ask myself. "Yes" he smiles and I grown internally.

Why is he smiling? He thinks am weird doesn't he?
Well I am, deal with it.
Punch him and make a break for it.

"Am Mitch" he introduces himself.
Too late for the punching schtick.
Why is he still smiling? Oh right.
"Genny, nice to meet ya"

It's not, it's really not. My anxiety's kicking in, I suck at human interaction and talking, I don't know what to do now.

His still staring at me, what do I say?
"Are you new?" I ask lamely but keep smiling like an idiot. He chuckles and shakes his head no "no, I've been your classmate for the last 2 years" he states and I arch an eyebrow looking at him "really?" I ask and he nods. Huh, never noticed him. I shrug.

"Can I help you?" I ask tryna get this convo over with as I pack my sketch book and pencils, when'd I stop drawing?
"I noticed you staring at me, I guess you just noticed this handsomely stunning face and couldn't look away. I get it." He says with a stupid cocky smirk on his face and I stare blankly it him.
"Perhaps I was wondering what your head would look like on a stick" i smile sarcastically and grab my bag walking away from him. Did I seriously say that?
Gotta love tiktok.

I shake my head as I continue walking away from the class and hear footsteps rushing behind me. "Hey, wait up" he yells catching up and walking next to me.
I don't know you, don't walk next to me please.
"Was that from tiktok?" He asks smiling looking down at me. Mahn am short.
I shrug and continue to walk ignoring him. "Come on, I was kidding. But you gotta admit, the way you were staring at me was kinda like you're in love with me." He shrugs and I shrug back.
He sighs annoyed and i internally smile.
Yes, am getting on his nerves. Now leave.

"Are you not gonna say anything?" He asks and I shrug again.
No, I am not. My silence should tell you I don't wanna talk to you.

"Please say something" he asks looking at me.
I stop walking and look at him dead in the eyes.
"Bye" I say and quickly turn a different direction from home.
It's gonna be a long walk home but it's worth it to get away from him.

"I'll see you at school!" He yells and continues going, wherever the hell he was going.

I sigh out in relief and pull out my phone and headsets and listen to some music.

Now playing
~•~Arden Jones_Horror story~•~

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