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The number 17 car pulls into the pit road before coming to its pit stop.
"Jack, you realize you got this in the bag, right?" Buddy Hubbard asks Jack Toretto as he unclips the net on Jack's window before Jack takes the water that Buddy offers him. "Season's wrapped up, man. Doesn't matter where you place."
"I'm telling you, I got intermittent miss," Jack says as he hands the water back to Buddy. "For the last two laps."
"On it!" Buddy says before turning to one of the pit crew members. "Get those plug wires!"
"Jakob! Now," Jack yells at his youngest son, who happens to be the crew member that Buddy was yelling at. Jakob nods before raising the hood of the car as Dominic, Jack's oldest son, rushes over.
"Hey, Pop," Dom says as he leans against the window.
"Tell me what you see Dom," Jack orders as he looks at his son proudly.
"Got an oil spill going into turn two," Dom explains as he begins to list everything that he has seen. "Bell's driving safe. Corbin's got a sponsor in the stands, so he's pushing it. You got a real problem with car 23."
"Linder," Jack says with a nod as he has seen it too. Dom begins to argue with Linder's crew, who are two spaces back. "Hey! Leave it. He's just pissed because I got that spot in the Busch Series next season, not him. Life's got no shortage of guys like Kenny Linder."
"You're good!" Jakob tells him as he closes the hood before patting it.
"It's not about being the stronger man, Dom," Jack advises his son, who is clipping the net back. "It's about being the bigger one." Jack takes off back onto the track. Linder follows behind him before bumping into the back of another car.
"I swear to god, this guy," Dom says as he shakes his head while watching the race. "Pop, turn two, turn two!"
"Got it. I'm walking him in," Jack says as he drives high on the track. Jack quickly drops lower on the track as he sees the oil spill that Dom had mentioned, causing Linder to drive into it which causes him to slightly lose control and bump into the wall. "Tell me what you see, Dom." Dom quickly moves to where he can see the rest of the track.
"He's gonna come at you for that," Dom says as he keeps looking between his dad and Linder. "Get ready on your left." Linder drops to Jack's left while Jack looks down at his dash as it starts to malfunction. Linder bumps into Jack, causing his car to turn before connecting with the wall as it catches fire. The car rolls as it is hit by another car while Dom rips his headset off before running towards the track with Buddy right behind him. Buddy grabs Dom, holding him back from being ran over as he cries and yells for his dad.

"Look, we're in the clear," Stasiak says as he fixes himself a drink of alka-seltzer and Red Bull. "But this thing is a mess. The headlines out there? Secret spy plane crashes in a hostile country? Followed by some kind of covert ops firefight? I'll get you where you need and then I'm gonna need to back off."
"I appreciate the favor," Kassidy says with a small smile as she looks at Stasiak while Dom nods in agreement.
"I got to stop doing so many favors," Stasiak says with a small smirk as he walks away.

"What we doing, Ramsey? Like, where are we going?" Roman questions as he looks up at Ramsey, who is typing on her computer.
"I was able to decrypt the data that came through with Mr. Nobody's SOS, and I found GPS coordinates, definitely included on purpose," Ramsey answers as she looks around at everyone.

"You knew about Jakob?" Letty asks as Dom and Kassidy walk over to them.
"Question: Who is Jakob?" Tej asks as he looks from Letty to Dom while Roman stands up.
"Jakob is..." Letty starts to answer as she stares at Dom, who looks down at the ground when he feels Kassidy's gaze on him. "Or was Dom's brother."
"Oh, my bad," Roman says as he, Kassidy, Tej, and Ramsey look at Dom in shock. "I'm sorry. I'm just processing. Brother? You got a brother? Who also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army, who drives literally like a bat out of hell, who preplanned an aerial jump and landed at the bottom of an airplane? Who does that?"
"Who does that?" Tej asks sarcastically as he answers Roman, while Dom looks down once again as he remembers his past. "A Toretto."

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