30 - Nikita

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Nikita was turning his glass of vodka around in front of himself. He wasn't really sure what else to do with himself. Kostya had gone out to get more supplies, since he was going to join as well now. Nikita almost wanted to go with him, but then Pavel was back and he had been carrying Sasha and there was blood everywhere, so Nikita obviously decided to stay around in case Sasha needed anything.

It turned out that she did in fact need something. She had lost so much blood that she needed a transfusion and Bonesetter was almost going insane because he didn't have the time to properly check everyone's blood for the right blood type and because anything else would be way too much of a gamble. But thankfully Nikita had stayed behind, because he knew what Sasha's blood type was and he also knew that he was compatible with her and could give her blood.

He wasn't sure when they had figured that out, but it was probably during one of the missions they had gone on together, when they had to lie around idly and wait for something else to happen. Him and Sasha knew almost everything about each other, so of course they had been talking about their blood types and how they were compatible with each other and how they should stick close, just in case one of them ever needed any blood. They had been joking at the time.

It wasn't anything that happened a lot in the Zone. People usually just died, before anyone got any blood. Neither of them really thought that they might be in a situation where they had to give each other blood. But now that conversation was actually useful for something. Nikita could pretty much answer all of Bonesetter's questions about Sasha's medical history, which was good.

And Bonesetter had a lot of questions, especially after he had that little freak out when he realised that all this time Sasha had been a woman. He never had to perform surgery on her or anything (except one time, when she had done something to her leg), so he just never even asked. He simply assumed that she was a man, because there were close to no women in the Zone.

Either way he had gotten the blood from him and had rigged up a system for a transfusion. It wasn't the most stable thing, but at least it was going to improve Sasha's chances for making it out of this alive. Once he was done with his part, he had gone back to lie down for a bit, as he was incredibly tired. He also couldn't really do anything to help anymore. It was better to let Bonesetter do his thing and not watch him too closely, because he got nervous when people watched him.

Pavel seemed to be genuinely upset that she was doing so badly. He had been pacing ever since Nikita had gone for a nap and he was still not any calmer when Nikita had woken up again. It was a little annoying, but Nikita was glad that he seemed to care about Sasha so much. Maybe those two would actually be good for each other. Nikita could only hope for that.

Either way, once Bonesetter was done, Pavel had rushed him, but was simply told that she was asleep and he didn't know when she was going to wake up from the anaesthetic. He went into the room and had been waiting by her side ever since. Nikita had told him to let him know when she woke up, so he could check on her as well, but from the look on Bonesetter's face he doubted she'd be very awake any time soon. She was probably knocked out for good.

But Nikita was starting to get a little nervous himself. Pavel had been in there for ages now and he was almost a little worried that the man wasn't going to take proper care of himself. He was so clearly head over heels for Sasha, it was almost embarrassing to witness. Then again, he wasn't really someone who could talk about being embarrassing when it came to being in love.

Nikita was debating whether he should just chug his vodka or keep sipping it when the door opened and Pavel made his way into the main hall, looking all over for him and then finally noticing him in his corner. He quickly made his way over to Nikita with a smile. He looked slightly embarrassed even and Nikita wasn't really sure why. Was it because people had started gossipping as soon as it got out that Sasha was a woman? Was he embarrassed about that?

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