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I grab my key card and put it towards the scanner on the door lock. It lit up green and the door clicked open. I walk in. My house isn't that unique, everyone's the same. The same tan couch. The same white sheets on the bed. The same house layout. Nothing different. I walked into my room and tossed my tablet onto the bed. As I did I heard it ring. The assignment must have come in. I opened up the notification.

"Congratulations for making it to your last year of schooling. The assignment that is being given to you will test your knowledge and skills that could possibly lead you to a spot as a traveler. Below you will find information about your assignment.

Date: June 5, 1975

Criminal Information: James Rogers, Age 20, Height 5'11, Arrest made breaking and entering, soliciting, and robbery, Currently lives in Kalani, Illinois.

Housing Arrangements: You will be staying in a former travel agent's Mr. and Mrs. McKinley's home.

Choose One: I will eliminate my criminal       OR     I will turn my criminal into timeline authorities

Date Due: July 5 (Exactly one month after your departure)

Failure to meet expectations will result in a reexamination of your abilities. You will not be able to retake this exam, unless certain circumstances are presented. On the next page you will find more information about your criminal, housing arrangements, expectations, along with some examples of previous work that students that were successful have done in the past.

Best Wished,

President Morset"

I continued to read over the assignment and looked over the important information. At the end was a picture of James Rogers. His hair is brunette, and effortlessly styled. He has pale blue eyes and a wicked smile that completely contrasted the rest of him.  I threw it across the bed. I layed down looking at the ceiling until I fell asleep.


I woke up to a familiar chime in the living room. It was my dress. It finally arrived. I got up as quickly as I could. Too quick though, because I had to stop for a second to stop the dizziness. I walked out of my room and into the living room. I placed my hand onto the scanner to confirm that the package was going to the right recipient. The door opened and I gingerly grabbed the white box. I laid it onto the floor and carefully opened it with both hands. I removed the tissue paper revealing a gorgeous lavender dress. It's simple, it is a satin dress that touches the floor with a slight slit on the side. There was another smaller package that contained a silver necklace with matching earrings and clips. It took a while for me to get ready. I straightened my dark brown hair and parted my hair down the middle, I placed the silver clips on the sides of my head and walked towards the mirror. The dress was soft and the lavender color complimented my olive skin tone. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost seven and headed out of my house. But before I got to the front door, I saw my brother and Cassie. They both had just gotten off of work, they looked tired but their expressions were shocked.

"Are you okay?" I asked, hoping they wouldn't say anything about how I look. I don't like attention.

"Lia! My gosh! You look amazing! I remember my first assembly! Do you remember Apollo?" Cassie looked towards my brother, bouncing her blonde dyed hair.

"Yeah, Lia, you look great! How about we take a picture?" asked Apollo.

"Um, I'd love to, but I have to get to the assembly on time. Maybe when I get back? Yeah?" I said, already making my way out the door.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like my brother or his wife and it's definitely not that I'm trying to avoid them. It's just that I get really uncomfortable when the attention is on me, even if it's just the three of us, I like to blend in. Trust me, Cassie is amazing, she is beautiful. She has short hair that's dyed blonde, she is always smiling and looks at the positive side of things. She works as a designer. Meaning that she has access to all of the makeup, clothes, hair products, etc.. She basically gives the travelers makeovers so that they can blend in with the time they are traveling to. She really enjoys her job, I can't say the same about my brother. Like I said before, he wanted to be a traveler, he passed his exam and everything, but he didn't want to leave me. He chose to be a historian, gathering, collecting information that travelers get to prevent wars and other horrible events from happening. I like the idea of being a traveler, but I don't think I'm cut out for it. I'm not even sure if I'm going to pass the exam. I don't like change, and going to a different year and place completely is a big change. Also, we don't have an option, everyone is forced to take the exam, the other ones are optional. I'm guessing they did this so that the President doesn't miss their chance on hiring someone that's really skilled. I'm skilled. I took defense classes and passed with an A, one of the classes I'm good at. It doesn't require any remembering of dates, it's just muscle memory, it comes naturally.


I realized that in some parts I wrote in present tense and others in past....

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