Mirror Image of the Panther

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The moon shown through the dense clouds, its full glory brightening the dark world below it. The tree branches swaying in the slight breeze, it was what you could call a perfect night. But for some people, it was just one of many.

Quiet footsteps rustled the leaves on the ground as they got closer to the house in the middle of the forest. Staying at a short distance away, two shadowed people watched three odd looking people walk out of the house and look up at the sky.

One had bright orange hair and a fiery spirit, another had white hair and pale skin, his soul strong, and the last one looked like a mix of the two people. Th oranget took a hold of the third person and held them close.

"I'm glad we have you Kei."

Kei smiled and hugged his mum, "I wouldn't have it any different mum."

Ichigo smiled and looked over to the pale man and moved over to hug him. The pale man hugged him back tightly, never wanting to let go of his loved one.

"Shiro, you're going to crush me," Ichigo breathed with a small smile.

Shiro finally let go and ruffled Kei's hair, then looked up at the moon, "The moon is so beautiful. Without it, I think I would go insane."

Ichigo smiled and rested his head against Shiro's shoulder, while Shiro wrapped an arm around Ichigo's waist and held him close. Kei sat in front of them watching the stars, "I agree with dad. How could someone live without something so beautiful?"

Ichigo shrugged, "I don't know son, but this moon reminds me of when your dad made me what I am today."

Shiro chuckled, then his eyes grew distant, "I have mixed feelings about that now though..."

Ichigo and Kei looked up at Shiro with sad eyes, and Shiro continued, "Sure it would have been sad and lonely without you two, but I wouldn't have killed my son, or hurt my love," Shiro took a breath, "and Kaitey would still be here..."

Kei looked down with tears stinging his eyes, and Ichigo rubbed his head against Shiro's shoulder. Kaitey's death hit them all pretty hard. Her joy was an essential part of their lives, she was like their moon, it felt wrong without her there with them.

Shiro held Ichigo closer, and Ichigo pulled Kei up and hugged him. The three grieved over their lost friend as the two shadowed people watched them.

One started whispering into a band on his wrist, then both turned and vanished into the night.

Shiro turned his head to glare in the direction the two were just in, Ichigo questioned him but Shiro just shook his head, "It's nothing, I'm fine."

The three stood outside for a while longer then went back inside, Kei said goodnight to his parents, and headed back to his room. Shiro walked behind Ichigo, up the stairs and to their bedroom.

Ichigo got dressed for bed in the bathroom, then walked over to the bed to find Shiro lying on top of the sheets with only a pair of black sweats on. His pale body glowed in the moonlight and Ichigo felt awed.

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