Part 1 - The Elevator

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June Fischer's day was relatively normal until she went out to get the mail.

Opening a letter, she read those exciting words, "You won $250,000"! She looked down and saw the fine print where the word "if" was in bold. She was to work for a corporation called Laminax for some sort of experimental bodysuit. "How bad could it be?" she thought. Little did she know, this job would change her life forever.

The suit was referred to as a GIS or Gootraxian Imitation Suit. The suit was created for researchers to safely view Gootraxians without risk of becoming "transfurred".

There was only one problem with this suit. If you put it on, you can't take it off. That was a price she was willing to pay, but there was another unforeseen problem. The suit creates a protective chemical barrier between the wearer's skin and the Goo that would usually infect the wearer. This barrier, however, could fail and the wearer would be transfurred into a Gootraxian. June wasn't aware of this problem as she donned her Nightcrawler suit, not knowing that she would no longer be human from this day on.

"How do you feel, Ms. Fischer?" a researcher asked. "Invincible," she replied. "Like Supergirl." "Well, Ms. Supergirl, welcome to Laminax Labs," the researcher said, attaching a device to the back of her head. "There is a device on the back of your head that will allow other wearers to recognize you. Please avoid getting it wet, as we don't know what could happen to you." That was a bit of a concern, but $250,000 was $250,000. Another wearer, a Buck, was being examined. She was a larger woman, with cute light purple horns and crystals on her body, gray fur, and a bucket on her head. She noticed June and for whatever reason, wouldn't stop staring at her. And then one of the researchers said something very strange.
"Mr. Schmidt, can you hear us?"


June couldn't stop herself from giggling.

"Ms.Schmidt, please." the Buck said. As she made eye contact with June, text and images appeared before her eyes. "June Fischer, 24 GIS Wearer," it said. The Buck was identified as Karlton Schmidt, also a GIS wearer. "Oh. She's transgender," June concluded, walking into an elevator. A full-length mirror on an adjacent wall showed off her new body. The suit was rather muscular, with gray fur and light purple patterns on her breadboard abs. Her arms and legs were well-chiseled, and between them was a long, gray, lizard-like tail. And also between them was...

"You look good."

June turned to see the Buck again in front of the elevator. "Any room?" she asked. "Sure," June said, moving over to make room. The elevator was a bit cozy, since June was so muscular and Karlton being on the fluffier side. "Sorry, there's not a lot of space," she apologized. She was in front of June, pressed firmly against her front. "No, no it's fine...what's your name?" June asked.


"Well, Katie, I don't mind being a bit cozy. I've been in more awkward situations."

"I doubt that."

"Trust me. I've been through worse."

"Worse than inadvertently rubbing your boner against a coworker's ass?"

June looked down to see that her suit was not only proportional, but for whatever reason, erect.

And rubbing against Katie's furry ass.

"Oh my God. I am so sorry about-" June started, stepping back. But she stopped when Katie...

stepped back with her.

She liked it.

And so June slid her suit's newly-minted erection between Katie's thighs. Back and forth.

Katie moaned a bit.

June suddenly felt a rush of pleasure. Taking Katie's moan as encouragement, she gently wrapped her paws around Katie's waist.

"Yeah...I like that..."


And then, DING! The elevator dinged.

Damn. Wouldn't have minded if we got stuck in there. June thought.

After rubbing her butt against June's pelvis, Katie walked forward, wiggling her tail a little. "Call me maybe?" She passed June a piece of paper. Call you definitely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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