Crime scene

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John watched Sherlock as he sank into his armchair. He was obviously still on a high, but John still had no idea what he had taken. He let out a sigh as he walked to the kitchen and filled the kettle, putting it on to boil. He got out two mugs and a few biscuits, hoping that Sherlock would eat something, even if it was so little. He knew that asking him to eat more would be fruitless.

"What was it today, Sherlock? Cocaine or morphine?" John asked as he reached for the tea bags.

Sherlock said nothing at first but let out a deep groan, and John looked over to see him sink deeper into his seat, pulling his legs up so that they were pressed against him, feet flat on the chair. His eyes were closed now as if he was trying to escape the situation he was being forced into by the doctor. But John knew he should really be taking Sherlock to the hospital. Who knows how much of this stuff Sherlock had been injecting? He could only guess based on the extent of his arms how serious this was.

"Sherlock -"

"Cocaine, seven percent," Sherlock said in a quiet voice.

"Okay. Thank you." John said, although a pit formed in his stomach now. He was worried about Sherlock more than ever, and he knew now that Sherlock had been affected tremendously by whatever had happened the other day. But now was not the right time to get it out of him. 

"Here," John said, offering Sherlock the tea and biscuits he had made for him.

Sherlock didn't thank him, but took the tea and biscuits, setting the biscuits aside. John frowned but didn't say anything. His mind was racing. What was he supposed to do now? Then Johns's phone rang. He looked at it, and Sherlock shot him a knowing gaze. He took his phone out of his jeans to see who it was.

"Lestrade," John said to Sherlock before he answered.

"Don't answer it. I'm not in the mood for a case." Sherlock said, but John ignored him and answered the phone anyway, to which Sherlock let out an audible groan.

"John, Sherlock won't pick up my calls. I've tried six times already today." Greg Lestrade said.

"Yes, I'm with him now. He says he's not in the mood for a case." John said.

"Well, put me on speaker. This one might change his mind." Greg said.

John put the phone on speaker and held the phone so both the men could hear. Sherlock turned his head away and closed his eyes, pretending not to be listening, but John could see he was interested secretly. He always was. He couldn't pass up a new adventure like this, and if he did John would definitely be taking him to the hospital. John told Lestrade he was on speaker and he started to tell them the case.

"A woman was found dead in the early hours of this morning. Her head was cut clean off her shoulders, and the head was found just a few feet away from her. She was stripped naked. There was no evidence of any sexual assault." Lestrade started. "However, her sister has also been reported missing. The thing is, she has an alibi. She was in Liverpool at the time her sister was murdered."

Sherlock looked over, apparently forgetting that he had said he was not interested in any cases. John smiled a little, despite the horrific case being told to them. He was just glad to see part of the usual Sherlock back, even if the usual Sherlock was an egotistical prick most of the time, it was better than the self-pitying junky that copped himself in his room.

"We've found another body ten minutes ago, in the same location. Not far from your place, actually. Another woman, though we haven't identified the body yet, stripped. I'm at the crime scene now, if you want to come." With that, Sherlock sprung into action, grabbing his coat from the door.

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