First Encounter

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Jasper pov

I hear my heart in my ears, the blood pumping in my veins as my boots slammed into one after the other in the song of discipline all quickly under the strict regiment and training but what caused even me to nearly break was new is me trying to introduce my self to the man. I made my way to the gas station now apparent to me as walking through the door was the man I walked to the counter where our eyes locked his inquisitive into mine filled with anxiety and passion both worn as torn by time and Pain training. My heart thumping harder than before I couldn't do it couldn't let out words stuck in an enrapturing mute mental storm by his beauty. The sudden jolt of action bolted my muscles and I pulled 500 dollars of rubber band-covered bills into his hand and bolted like never knew I could be embarrassed. I didn't ever think hard about anything. I found my way back to the cabin my ears picking up the sudden and subdued sounds of the council agents in my looking and waiting for me. I took out judge shooting through the walls of the cabin killing the two of them before falling to seat the thoughts, regret, and shame buzzing in my skull like a tornado as the thought of what I could have done I should say a word, I shouldn't have run. I could have ruined everything between me a shim before it even started. I turned to the wall slamming my fist in anger before deciding to get some firewood.

Jasper Where stories live. Discover now