Dreams brithday

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This is not dreams real birthday just for this stuff

Dream was turning two the next day and dream did not like opening gifts he thinks it's a wast of time and will not stay still he would try to leave go inside or hide when they sing the happy birthday song he hides his face so no one see him blushing but it was the next day the got him dressed and started the part bad told the big kids to be nice and careful so the little kids don't get hurt so Dream went to the swings and just sat ever sense he learned how to walk he just walk to the swing and stay there now at this time it was time to open birthday presents now knowing dream he hates to do this he opened all of them Not mad at all but a bit afraid there was one last gift and it was a very small one to when he opened it he was shocked he had got a tricycle he was very happy but did't know how to show it he was too excited but he did't use it just yet then all of the kid went back to play then techno came up to dream hi dream hi techno why are you not in the bounce house Dream said that he was too scared to do it but techno dragged Dream in there he wan not happy rather felt sick so he came out with a traumatized look he looked around everywhere to see if there was any adults and went inside he went and sat in his room and watched on the tv until it was time to sing happy birthday and cut the cake when he came back out side they all asked where was he he said in the bathroom he keen he was not supposed to be inside only If he had to use the bathroom so they did all that stuff blah blah blah after the party Dream went inside and puffy helped him get changed  into his pjs and a pull up.
356 words
Bye cookies!🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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