What A Tangled Web We Weave

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The next day, after discovering that there had indeed been another party at their Jason Tam crime scene, Olivia and Danny had gone through every piece of evidence they had so far. Jason Tam, a successful businessman, had been found dead with traces of codeine and anti-depressants in his blood and he had also sustained a contusion to the head - which they were still no further forward in discovering with what or how, but Doc Hammerback was on it and kept them informed of his every finding.

Adam Ross, one of the lab techs, had since confirmed that the sample of Jason Tam's stomach contents had contained only the codeine, trace constituents and tom yam goong, the hot and sour soup - no curry. Which made Olivia once again doubt Susan Tam's testimony. Not only had they not eaten the entire contents of the meal as she had claimed, now it had been revealed that Jason Tam had eaten only the soup, which explained the full carton in their trash. And then of course, there was the fingerprint they had found on the chip bag.

The plot was thickening and it was about to get thicker, still.

Danny had come up from Homicide after speaking with Flack. They'd gotten a new lead on Mikey McCarthy's whereabouts and had been about to mention the possibility of hauling McCarthy in for questioning when Flack told him he had skipped the address. Again. Just like the day before, the residence was being let out to yet another family. The guy was more elusive than the Scarlet Pimpernel. It was almost as if he knew the police were looking for him.

Sitting at a table inside the break-room, Olivia looked up from the paperwork strewn before her as Danny came inside. One hand was wrapped around a mug of cold coffee and she caught the expression on her partner's face. 'I'm not going to like it, am I?'

'Seems along with the address he gave when he got out the big house this new one isn't where he's at either. The house is currently being let to a Korean family. Didn't Flack tell you any of this last night?'

'We don't talk about work on our dates.'

'Heh, he said the exact same thing just yesterday. So what do you get up to?' he grinned.

'Scrabble, Bridge...what else?' she deadpanned. Amongst other things. She thought back to the events of the previous night. Focus, Olivia. 'So, the only positive lead we had is fast turning into a dead-end. The guy could have left the state for all we know.'

'Slow progress is real progress. Or so Mac says. We'll find him,' he said, going over to the hot plate and pouring himself a fresh coffee. 'And when we do don't forget you owe me a cold one.'

'The guy was serving time for identity theft. He's probably adopted a new alias and moved to the West Coast.'

'We'll see. What about you?' He shook a packet of sugar and ripped open the top. 'Finding anything?'

'Given the information you just dropped it's looking more and more confusing by the minute,' she admitted. 'I spoke with Tam's psychiatrist, Dr. Kang. According to her, he had been responding well to the new drugs and she confirmed that during his last few visits he was feeling somewhat more positive about life. She certainly didn't seem to think he was a suicide risk.'

Danny put his cup down on the table and dropped into the seat opposite Olivia. 'Voluntary suicide not an option then. Getting back to chip guy, what I can't get my head around is how we dusted all over that house and he wasn't anywhere else except for the bag. Hate to say it,' he shrugged, 'maybe it's a red herring.'

'I don't believe in red herrings.'

'We can only scratch him off the list by hauling him in.'

'And we can't do that 'til we find him.' Olivia's cell phone rang and she dipped a hand into her jacket pocket. It was Mac. She answered.

CSI:New York : Who Are You? (Don Flack/OFC fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant