Round One

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The past contestants are from (season six episode five from vampire diaries.) right after Stephan sees Damon alive. As Damon had just come back from the prison world. They are consumed with a white light just like everyone else.

The originals were consumed in a white light in (season one episode eight.) right after Klaus kills all of the vampires Marcel and Rebekah try to ambush him with. While Freya comes from the time, right after Dahlia and Ester die. Kol has made his appearance from when he was daggered and Stephan was in possession of his coffin.

The future contestants were welcoming the two new students into the school when a light consumed them (first season first episode.) Right after Hope explains who she is to landon in the library. Though she doesn't say the word 'was' because both of her parents are alive. Though Ryan Clarke is from a little further in the future. He disappeared right before Hope forced him to Malivore with her.

All of the contestants appear in different white rooms by themselves. As words appear on a tv screen to explain the rules.

Hello contestants

You have been chosen to play in the new reality game show 'genie for drama'

I'm your host, Faye the Genie

You and 40 other contestants have been granted the opportunity to win a Genies lamp.

A Genie's lamp gives you three wishes. You can wish for almost anything and it will come true.

The only wish's that a genie can't cast is, the wish to kill anyone, they can't make people fall in love, and can't bring anyone back from the dead.

The rules to the game show are easy. You are not allowed to talk about what time you are from or what you have done in your life.

I have taken people from different points in the timeline. So they may look as if they are from your time yet they may not be. So you can't talk about yourself or anyone else from your time or your past. If this rule is broken you will be out of the game and have your memory erased of you ever competing.

Rule two: no physical violence.

Rule three: you won't have magic or magical abilities. So in other words you will be human. Making everything fair.

There will only be one winner. So play the game wisely. Also time is frozen so when your time in the game is over you will return to the exact moment you left.

You cannot die but you can get hurt in this game. So if you want to play this game, say yes out loud. If you don't say no now, we will return you to your time.

Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes: No

Emma Tig: No

Elena Gilbert: Yes

Jermey Gilbert: Yes

Stefan Salvator: Yes

Damon Salvator: Yes

Alaric Saltzman: Yes

Caroline Forbes: Yes

Bonnie Bennet: Yes

Tyler Lockwood: Yes

Matt Donovan: Yes

Josette Laughlin: Yes

Kai Parker: Yes

Liv Parker: Yes

Luke Parker: Yes

Kathrine Pierce: Yes

Niklaus Mikaelson: Yes

Elijah Mikaelson: Yes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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