.The unthinkable.

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Chapter One

" I have my own difficult times to deal with right now, and I feel like I am not in a position to put that burden on someone else. School matters to me and I would really love it if we can still be friends."

My girlfriend Rebekah,said as I sat in my car listening to her. I've heard the story so many times before, that she keeps begging to come back to me.
"Yeah, whatever, if you want to leave then get out of my car. Will you?"
I said, as now getting irritated.
"No, I want you to drive me home. I don't want to be kidnapped!"
So I had no other choice but to drive, which is far from where we are right now, Rebekah still sat there still bitching about are relationship.

"Look I would really like me you to shut up. Do you know how annoying this shit is!?"
I said, while doing over a speed limit so I can make it to her house.
"I'm not annoying, I'm speaking with my mind!"
Rebekah said.
"You know how stupid you sound right-"
Rebekah cuts me off, right before I was about to finish my sentence.
" You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning. Why don't you love me anymore....Damion, please be truthful to me?"

Rebekah sentence pissed me off, so I pulled over my car right by her house. I took off my seatbelt and got out of my car and went on the passenger side and opened up her door.
" Do you know why I don't love you anymore!?"
I cut her right off ,and I cut to the chase of it, and I got close to her face and whispered.
"You didn't think...I would catch you cheating on me now, right?..."
The comment I said to her left her speechless, until....
"You can't leave me."
"Too late Rebekah, get out or I'll call the cops."
She got out of my Camaro and didn't say anything.
Never mind, she did....

After when all that was done, I went home and took a nap.

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