Chapter 5: What the Draugr

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I guess I will have to thank Lyla for those notes later but back to my perspective in Rohde Island.

It quickly became October which means I quickly started to hate the days more as the cold breeze, and the snow all reminded me of the stupid holiday of Halloween. This should be the day I enjoy the most after all I can pretend to be anyone or just blend in like normal, but what makes me hate it the most is non-half-blood depictions of the gods. I mean who thinks the great apollo runs around shirtless into battle with a harp? Or Zeus is always in his toga and has no human clothes. Or that Hera is always holding a wine glass, okay wait this one mom said was spot on, but my point still stands. Mortals have a terrible imagination of what the gods look like. So, seeing your next store neighbor make a mockery of your family is infuriating.

But anyway, enough of my rant I still have so much story to tell.

I remember that the day everything changed was October 15th and it began like any other boring school day. My homeroom was English, and I was terrible at it. As Mom always said,

"Blake your brain is wired for two dead languages English is going to be hard, but I know you can do it. "

At the time I never understood what she meant by two dead languages I mean I knew about the Greek thing, but now I understand why she said two, as this whole Norse letter thing is new. No matter. Not like it matters. The rest of my classes were easy, math uninteresting, and simple. Art is fun at times but ultimately pointless. Chemistry my word! It is so boring the way it's taught. But I was angry at the time and unappreciative of what it meant to be human. I will still so use to the way mom taught me when I was homeschooled. I mean just imagine being taught by the goddess of wisdom. It was magical, but now compare that to a normal teacher. I guess that is hard to understand. I at least had science class now that was fun.

That day we were learning about native plants in Rohde Island. Why? To me, it really did not matter, but Mr. Stacy always said,

"Learning is most impactful when you can see it, feel it, and connect to it."

I always took that as it's better to learn about things in your life rather than things you will never see or feel.

I as usual fell asleep. And Mr. Stacy as if he always knew asked me a question not pertaining to what we were learning at the time,

"Mr. Paulson", "Mr. Stacy started would you mind telling the class about the doll's eye plant."

Without a missed beat, I said,

"Scientifically known as Actaea pachypoda," "They can grow between 12 to 30 inches." The whole class looked at me strangely as I said this and still continued,

"Their flowers are white with a very lacy appearance. After pollination, these plants turn red and form their notorious berries. These berries are creamy-white with black dots in the center. These berries are also notable for being toxic to humans. However, the berries are entirely harmless to birds, who act as this plant's primary seed carrier."

Mr. Stacy said with smile,

"That was impressive Mr. Paulson, but please no more sleeping in my class. "Understand?"

"Yes sir." I replied.

Now for some reason, my homeroom class took place after science class. This means after taking a relaxing nap, I would stress out over learning English though today was unlike any other.

Miss C. as she liked to be called began class with,

"Hello class." She said warmly as usual. "Before we do roll call today, I would like to introduce a new student."

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