After that

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So this is my last part for now and probably the longest one. When something else happens I'll add to the story. So today is Friday December 23 2022 when I'm writing all this. So from like November to now is what I'm about to cover. So after the date nothing much happened untill like imperials birthday on the 21st I think it was. He's probably gonna read this so he can correct me if I'm wrong. It was a Monday that's all I know. We went to the mall on his birthday. It was super fun. Although imperial had to leave early and go home me and Alys stayed a while longer an just had fun by ourselves. It was a good time. I got imperial a dangonrompa (I can't spell) funko pop. After that we haven't really done much. I go over to Alys's house in the middle of the night sometimes cause she lives close by me. We not gonna talk about that tho lol. What happens at Alys's house stays at Alys's house. (I am petting my cat while typing this and she won't leave me alone) Anygays... as I was saying. So we had fun at the mall around Imperials birthday. It's been a while since we have all been out somewhere together. We probably should do that again. Me and Alys went ice skating once. She is super good at it and it made me jealous cause I fell a shit ton. It was fun tho. Alys helped me get a bit better so if we go again I'll be able to not fall as much. Ima do another part actually. Brb

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