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"My favorite cousin from hell, are you feeling better?" Quinn had changed, his black shoulder-length hair had been tied into a bun and his necklace was exposed because his shirt was a black crew neck. He also had on black jeans like Nova, but his had been torn at the knees, and ripped for fashion. Overall, he and his fraternal brother had a very identical build. Their muscles flexed when they folded their arms and their legs were pure muscle. Quinn wore a belt with a rose gold finish and more minor details carved out. 

 Nova walked out of the bar to stand beside him by the door. She leaned on the threshold and eyed the line that seemed to stretch down the block and around the corner. She couldn't help but gawk at how popular Oasis had grown.

With the shitty music they had blasting, it was a wonder that they had any customers at all. 

"Hmm," she nodded in affirmation, refusing to look him in the eyes out of embarrassment. 

Her eyes dashed through the lines and realized, a lot of the queue consisted of young adults.

"Hey Quinn," someone shouted from the line a few spots back. The guy who wanted Quinn's attention was a white boy with messy hair. He was dressed in a long sleeve turtle neck and had blue stud earrings reflecting the street lights. He was a taller gentleman, but he looked young- around their age which was shocking because everyone knows you need to be 21 years old to enter a bar. 

Quinn walked past Nova to greet the guy in line with a handshake. 

"How are you doing, Cain? Long time no see." Nova watched the exchange and then watched the people that started whispering around them almost as soon as Quinn stopped walking. She could hear a few of the conversations and was surprised to hear how popular Quinn seemed. 

"He's so hot, and I can't believe he and his brother own this bar. If I marry him, I'll be rich too."

"Bruh, I've been waiting in line for an hour already. If Quinn lets Cain in, I'm gonna be pissed."

"Watch Quinn fall asleep in class tomorrow because he has work tonight."

"Who was Quinn talking to?"

"Do you think Quinn has a date to prom?"

"Can you believe how many prom proposals he turned down on Friday? I'm so jealous."

"Nova, come here," Quinn called her and pulled her attention away from the gossip. As soon as he said it, she heard her name being echoed throughout the line. When she got closer to Quinn, she noticed the guy was with a group of people who were also trying to talk to Quinn.

"This is my cousin November. Vee, this is my friend Cain and his friends Jessica, Marley, Sam, and Erik." 

Nova hadn't heard that annoying nickname in years, but she brushed it off to shake the hands of those newly introduced. She didn't speak but she did offer a half smile in an effort to be friendly. 

"A cousin?! Does she go to our school too?" Erik was surprised to meet November because he was very clear on the Johnsons, everyone knew them because of their status in the city, but he had never heard of Quinn's cousin, November. 

"She just transferred." Quinn clarified while she just stood there awkwardly and watched everyone socialize. Marley, a chubbier girl in the group, offered Nova a polite wave instead of trying to talk to her. It immediately made Nova like her more than anyone in the group that had been introduced. She smiled at the cute girl with dark skin and a really pretty smile. Marley was the only one playing it cool- the rest were in a hurry to talk to her. 

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