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Johnny Knoxville (my brother) and I, are on the plane to Atlantic City. Were going there to film for a new show called Jackass. that he was the star for, and I got dragged into.
"Just so you know Preston is apart of this." He says. I was nearly having a panic attack because I didn't know anyone. Welp now I know one. I also know the two directors, Spike and Jeff. Cool guys.
"Wait really!" I exclaim. He nods. The plane ride was nearly done so I continue to listen to the songs on my IPod to make time go quicker.

We got off the plane and we started grabbing our stuff. Johnny told me Jeff Tremaine was waiting at the exit for us. We made sure we grabbed all our stuff and went to the exit. Johnny started walking faster once he saw him, I was too lazy too speed up to him. cause i was holding three bags.
"Hey Jeff." I say, hugging him, trying not to hit him with one of the bags.
"Hey guys. Ready to meet everyone else." I nod. Johnny and Jeff were talking about something while we were walking to the car so I was still listening to music. The drive to the hotel was going to be 30 minutes.

"Oh you like the band HIM?" He says noticing my jacket was HIM.
"Oh yeah! Huge fan." I say back.
"Well one of the guys Bam Margera is also a huge fan." He says.
"Wait! Bam from CKY?" I ask excited.
"Yeah. You a fan?" I nod excitedly. 
"Ryan will also be there." He adds. Well panic attack and fangirling don't go well together. Doesn't help i have a small crush on him. I changed the song and sit back.

Next thing I know, we are at the hotel. I take out my headphones and rest them along my shirt. Jeff tells us not to worry about our bags. We follow him to I suspect his hotel room. There was loud music playing the room.
"Meet the rest of the crew!" Jeff says, opening the door. All eyes were on us. PJ walks in and goes to Preston.

Ryan was the first one to come up to me.
"Hi! I'm Ryan Dunn!" He yells over the music. Ryan grabs my hand dragging me to Bam.
"Oh! Hey I'm Brandon but call me Bam!" He exclaims turning to me.
"I'm Lee!" I exclaim back. Holy shit I'm so close to him it's overwhelming. Ryan goes to get more beer.

"You like HIM?" Bam asks seeing my jumper.
"Yeah! Heard it in CKY and found their music from that." I tell Bam.
"Wait? You've watched CKY?" He asks. His eyes went wide the second i said CKY.
"Yeah." I say looking down blushing.
"That's awesome! You should come with me sometime and meet the crew." He yells. Ryan comes back with two cups of a random drink.
"You able to drink?" He asks
"Yeah I'm 21." I say he hands me the drink. I sniff the drink and It was Jack Daniel.

After an hour me, Ryan and Bam were getting along really well. Ryan was drunk as fuck. Preston said hi and hugged me but went back to wee man.
"Hey Guys!" Jeff yells turning off the music. We all turn to him.
"We couldn't get enough rooms so three people per room. Here's the list."
"Johnny, Preston and wee man are one room. Ehren, Dave and Steve-o are another. Chris. Your sharing a room with two of our camera crew members. Lastly! Bam, Ryan and Lee." Shit I'm sharing a room with Bam and Ryan.

"Go to your rooms we are filming tomorrow." Last thing yelled from Jeff. Ryan got the keys. Me, Bam and Ryan went to our room.
"Yay! I get to share a room with my new bestie!" Ryan yells throwing his arm over my shoulder. Me and Bam laugh. He unlocks the door. Two beds and a couch.
"Dibs on the bed!" Ryan yells jumping on one of them. Our bags were already in the room. right on the floor, near the door.
"You can have the bed." Bam says.

"You sure?" I ask. He nods. I look at my phone seeing it was 12am. Bam takes off his shirt and puts it on his bag. Damn! Ryan turns on the Tv.
"Bam! Tv is talking about CKY!" He yells. Bam looks up from his phone looking at the Tv. It was something about Ryan and Bam being on Mtv. Ryan turns to me.
"Have you seen and listen to CKY?" He asks seeing that I was watching the Tv.
"Yeah. I have a CKY shirt." I say looking at him.
"Wait really!" Bam and Ryan both yell. I get up from the bed, going through me bag. I grab the shirt and show them.

Jackass (Bam Margera x oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant