Chapter 9: Annie's New Song Is Fixed!

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The Koopalings and Annie were all silent on the way back to The Gaiety, Annie held the two pieces of her song, a defeated look on her face. Wendy was still watching the song contest, when Sinead O'Shaughnessy finished her song and had left the stage. Both Moira and Dermot came back onto the stage. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, that was Cavan's Sinead O'Shaughnessy with 'Love You To The Grave'. And now it's now time for our final contestant to sing their song." Moira said on the microphone. "No! Don't say it!" Wendy said, cringing. The Koopalings and Annie were all dreading this moment. "From Drimnagh, Dublin, please give a big round of applause for..." Dermot paused. "Annie Courtney!" They said in unison. Dee, Lauren, and Ally glanced at each other, nervously, Annie still hadn't returned to the theatre. Dee, Lauren, and Ally stealthy slid out of the theatre and Dee pulled out his phone once out of view from everyone. He dialled Wendy's number. Wendy's phone rang. "Dee?" She asked. "Wendy, Did you find the third piece of Annie's song?" Dee asked, silence followed. "Wendy?" "No, Dee. We didn't," She answered, sadly. Defeated tears stung Annie's eyes, she contorted her body. "Camilla got away with it." Wendy added. Dee gasped, he wanted to kill Camilla in the most violent way possible. "Annie got the last piece of her song, but Camilla attacked her and the Luas had to stop at Smithfield. The police were called on Camilla, but she snatched the piece out of Annie's hands when we weren't looking and got away when the police came." Dee was mortified and even angrier. Camilla bullied Annie, ripped up her song, gatekept her, and now she put her hands on her. This was the last straw, even if Dee and Annie didn't get along, no one was allowed to touch her. "Oh, never mind. Just try and keep Annie's spirits up." He said, hanging up.

Dee looked down, he was so livid that he was shaking, and tears of anger were forming in his eyes. "Dee, what is it?" Lauren asked. "It's Camilla." He said, looking up at Lauren. "She attacked Annie, stole the last piece of her song, and ran away before the police could arrest her!" Lauren and Ally both gasped, they too were mad. Dee wiped his tears with his sleeve. Annie was curled into a ball by now. "Annie, is everything alright?" Lemmy asked. Annie looked at Lemmy, and she broke down. Everyone, except Ludwig who was driving, turned to face her. "No, I'm not. Camilla attacked me, got away with the final piece of my song, and I can't put my song back together! There's absolutely no way that I'm going to win the song contest!" She sobbed as she grabbed her arm, it was bruised where Camilla grabbed her. Lemmy hugged Annie as she cried. Today was supposed to be Annie's big day, but thanks to Camilla, it was completely ruined and Annie had no hope of winning the song contest. "Camilla, how could she do such a thing?" Wendy asked Ludwig. "You're going to have to face it, Wendy, your "friend" is a petty, ill-mannered, spoiled brat corrupted by her daddy's wealth." He said to himself. Back at the theatre, Lauren, Ally, and Dee quickly returned to their seats, resisting the urge to scream. Audience members noticed how angry they were, and some felt sorry for them, even Dermot and Moira could sense something wasn't right. When the three sat down in their seats, Camilla burst through the doors, laughing like a serial killer. "I made that little girl lose, I'm going to win!" She sang, tauntingly, as she danced down the aisle like there was something wrong with her. She waved the last piece of Annie's song around. "That explains a lot." Audience members thought. As Camilla approached Dee to mock him and his little sister, he put out his foot and tripped Camilla over. She dropped the last piece of Annie's song and he grabbed it. "We'll be taking this." Dee said, hiding the song piece from Camilla. She got up, looking furious. "You ruffian! How dare you treat me like this!" She yelled. "You deserve it, cheater!" He replied. Camilla tried to forcibly snatch the song piece from Dee. But luckily, Dermot and Moira, who had witnessed the whole thing, ran off the stage and stopped her. "Ms. McQueen, what did you try to do to this poor kid?" Dermot asked Camilla. "You've got it all wrong! I was just walking down the aisle, and he tripped me on purpose, and I was only telling him to not do that, but then he called me a bad word. I say you should kick him out." Camilla said, lying to both hosts. The audience looked disgusted. "Oh, really? Was that not you with that awful voice, singing about how you sabotaged one of the contestants while doing an eyesore of a dance?" Dermot asked, causing the audience to laugh. "No, that was someone else!" Camilla said, still trying to get Dee in trouble. "Ms. Camilla McQueen, you are permanently disqualified from Canadh Amhrán, get out of this theatre, now!" Moira yelled, pointing at the door. They audience was still laughing, they were now clapping at Camilla getting karma. Camilla stamped her foot like a child and ran out of the theatre, humiliated, powerless, and frustrated. Dermot returned to the stage while Moira bent down to Dee's level. "Are you okay, young man?" She asked. "I am, thank you." Dee replied. "That's great to hear." Moira said before heading back onto the stage. Dee slipped out the last piece of Annie's song and looked at it. "Annie's in for a real treat." He said to himself.

The Koopalings and Annie parked outside the theatre, and they solemnly went inside. Annie's eyes were red from crying, and she was still hiding the bruise. As soon as they entered the theatre, Dee turned around and jumped up from his seat, ecstatically, waving the last piece of Annie's song around. "Annie, look! The last piece of your song!" He called out. Annie's face brightened as she ran to the front row. "Dee, Thank you!" She exclaimed, happily. Annie took the last piece from Dee. She pulled the other two pieces out, and all three pieces recombined, magically. "Yes! Now my song is fixed!" She said, brightly. The audience and Dermot and Moira smiled at Annie's joy. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Annie Courtney!" Dermot and Moira said, happily. "Go on, Annie." Dee said to Annie. She went onto the stage with her song as the audience encouragingly clapped for her. "Hi, I'm Annie, and this is my new song." Annie said, with her song sheet in front of her.

"♪ This is my new song!
You can sing along,
I love when you and I sing a song! ♪"

The entire audience, the other contestants, the judges, and Dermot and Moira were stunned by Annie's beautiful vocals and the notes glowing on Annie's song sheet. Annie stood there, anticipating everyone's response. The entire audience clapped and cheered. Moira and Dermot came back to the stage, amazed. "Wow, Annie! For only a ten-second song, that was some amazing skill." Moira commented. Annie smiled. "Thank you." She replied. "Can we have all of our contestants back on stage for the award ceremony?" Dermot asked someone backstage. The other contestants came back onstage and Annie joined the line, and the audience went quiet.

Annie, Get Your Microphone! (New)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt