POV Sara

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Sara felt a knot well up in her stomach as she backed up to her friends comforting her, realizing the extent of how powerful Night Swan was. Breathing heavily, Night Swan won't back down until she wins that match, gazing straight ahead with hate and anger in her eyes. "You won't break me," Night Swan growled, bobbing and weaving in an attempt to land a hit on Sara. "I'll show you who's boss!" At that moment, Sara felt a sharp, quick scratching sensation on her cheeks, only for her to reach up to touch the wound and can see blood oozing down her fingers, leaving her physically shaking. You would've thought it was something the human girl could control, but she couldn't. Shouting, Sara charged straight toward Night Swan, bashing her hard in the head with her fist. The power-hungry witch barely stood steadily as her dark magic drained, sinking to her knees before her body hit the ground. Sara felt an immense joy building up inside her as her friends, Wanderlust, Mihaly, Brezziana, Jack Rose, and Discoball, stood beside her and felt that unmatched excitement. However, it all came to a halt when Jack exclaimed in shock and ran over to an unconscious Night Swan. The rest of the team caught up to him, looking worried as he tried to wake up his sleeping mother. Sara, who felt a sense of justice over looking after one of her friends, told the rest of the gang to check on all of the coaches who were formerly Night Swan's minions. Sara crouched down to Jack's level to see a scared look on his face as he tried every one of his instincts to wake up his mother, even resorting to lightly shaking her by the shoulders while her head rested on his lap. With a tone of urgency, Sara talked it out to Jack for a few moments and proceeded to rush into her bedroom. As Sara stood next to Jack, laying his mother down on her bed and making her comfortable as possible, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him because Jack's mother was the one who always wanted him to be perfect. "Are you gonna be okay in here?" she asked Jack out of concern. Jack nodded slightly and said, "It's okay, relax. All of this happens way too fast." Jack gave himself a moment to collect his thoughts while watching over his mother as Sara walked out of the room and looked out the door. While she watched, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She knew that she beat Night Swan intentionally, and even though it may have been self-defense or an act of justice, she still couldn't help but feel like she did something wrong. Sara could barely stop herself from crying, looking at Night Swan out the door then her hands, feeling the guilt of being the person who knocked her out. "I shouldn't have hit her. I didn't mean to knock her out, it was just a reflex," she thought to herself as she desperately tried to make sure her actions were justified. As Wanderlust, Brezziana, Mihaly, and Discoball ran back to Sara, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. Thus, she and her friends returned inside the room. But, after seeing Night Swan apologize to Jack and vowing to become a better mother, they were hesitant at first, but delighted she had finally learned her lesson. When Night Swan closed her eyes again, Sara apologized to Jack one more time, for the regret of having his mother unconscious at the end of the fight. Jack accepted, and allowed her opponent to rest for a little while longer.

Sara vs Night SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora