Story / part 1

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It was a dark night and a skeleton child was lost in the forbidden woods she didn't know her way back to the kingdom as she keep going into the wood's deeper she stopped and looked up at the moonlight it was bright and was shining down onto her as she started to cry someone jumped down from the tree and asked if she was alright the little child looked and seen the amazing thing in the moonlight it was a vampire kid and he didn't look mean as the little girl told the vampire what had happened to her the vampire smiled and asked if she needed help getting back home the little girl nodded her head and held onto her friend tightly as the vampire held the young girl to him.

They'd made it back to the house when the mother was about to go look for her the child bowed down and told the mother that he helped her daughter find the way back and the mother smiled and said thank you to the young boy as the young girl waved goodbye to her new friend the moonlight slowly went away and was covered up by the clouds.

After awhile fallacy ran back to his father's castle and did his chores fallacy father was not kind to him at all as for fallacy mother she was killed by the father only because she try to save her son from the raged that happened a long time ago.

All fallacy could think about the skeleton girl who made friends with in the mortal kingdom fallacy looked up into the sky and noticed the moonlight shining down onto him as it felt like it was healing him from any wounds as the moonlight left fallacy closed the window and went to sleep.

But that sleep didn't last long because off gunshots was fired and the mortal king had shot fallacy father as the guards ran into the castle and killed everyone but fallacy managed to get away as he was running away he seen his friend getting taken away by the mortal king he was about to go and save her until she turned to him with pleading eye's as the moonlight bright light was lighting up everything all his friend said was run away be free we will see each other again.

And fallacy did just that.


Jasper POV

I was watching father doing his paperwork when suave came into the room and told us that the food is done and is ready to eat we walked down to the kitchen and started to eat as I looked up at my father as he asked what was wrong I asked if we could go out for a midnight walk and maybe hunt something as I said this father gave me a smile and nodded his head as I whispered a yes to myself I got up and got into something more comfortable to run in.

As my father came back down we went into the moonlight and started to run into the forbidden wood's it was nice and relaxing as me and my father was running around I noticed that there was a skeleton girl she looked like she was hurt or something must've happened to her. I turned into my bat form and fly to her as she looked down and seen me I noticed that she was chained up to the tree she was shocked and yelled to fly away as I was about to fly away something dropped over top off me it was a net.

I try to get out off the net but it was to hard as I seen Ethan walking towards me I was panicking I called out but Ethan grab me but then she let go I was falling out off her hands when the girl catch me she hurt herself to save me.

As the girl hit Ethan into the tree she started to run into the forbidden woods far from Ethan.

The girl stoped and seen the moonlight shining she ran to it where the light was and she lay down on the cliff I turned back into myself as the moonlight started to healing the mortal girl but how she not a vampire.

After awhile my father found me and the girl he pulled me away from her as I told father what had happened and he was shocked to know that the girl saved me. Father picked up the lady and we left to our castle.

Encre pOV

I woke up to be placed in a king size's bed as I looked around I seen a sketch book and pencil I lean over to get it as I started to drawing a little I also felt pain as I was trying to sit up as I Yelp a little the door open and in walked the vampire with a maiden it was the vampire boy that I saved I hugged the vampire as he was shocked and looked back at me until he hugged me back as I finished hugging him I noticed that there was the father he was watching from the far as I waved to his father he was shocked that I found him so fast.

As I try to ask for there name's I ended up coughing loudly as suave teleported some water to me.

" thank you for the water mama as I gave back the empty cup as the maiden walk out off the room.

I looked up at the vampire as he was about to say something to me but I got to it first I told the vampire my name was Encre Spark's as he looked at me he back away I remember that night when the mortal king declared war on the vampire kingdom as the clouds moved away from the full moon I felt the light shining down on me I felt more better as I got up and went to the window I noticed that the vampire was standing next to me.

" I'm sorry for what the mortal king had done to use and to you'r father kingdom if it was not for my father telling the mortal king you're father would've been still alive. "

I looked down as the moonlight was still shining onto me and the vampire I felt the vampire hand on me as I he made me look up at him I looked into his eye's as he told me he forgave me and that I should stay here for the time being.

As he said that he told me his name was king fallacy off all vampires I smiled and bowed down to him as he was blushing yellow in the face I also noticed that I was blushing rainbow I looked on the bedroom wall's when I was talking to myself saying that the walls need some art on them as fallacy looked around the room where there was nothing there he smiled and said I can paint the walls in the castle.

I hugged fallacy and got to work. 

Fallacy POV

I watched as Encre ran off to paint some painting on the wall as I walked out of the room I found suave with my son jasper I smiled and asked jasper if he was done with his math's problem's he looked at me and shook his head I sigh and asked why then jasper said he wanted to spend time with suave I looked at my son and said once you'd finish the math you can as he walked back I noticed that Encre walked to jasper and he told Encre what just happened she giggled and asked jasper if he wanted help I sigh and told jasper and Encre that I'll be doing some paperwork in my office's as I shut the door i started to do some paperwork.

As I looked through some paperwork I found a letter saying the cancel will be coming here to talk about Ethan and the mortal king I just hope they won't find Encre in the castle I'll make sure that they'd won't find her because I think my son has taken a liking to Encre and I think I've also have to.

I keep working on the paperwork when suave walked into the office's saying that my son jasper is finished the math's and is watching Encre do painting I smiled and let suave go and watch with jasper suave has a thing for art when she alone doing art drawings.

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