Part 3

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"Sadie POV"

The next day we are in the hall all sat on the stage as Mr Maddens talks about a song he came up with.

"I was very impressed with the auditions. Thank you for doing those, I thought there was a wonderful array of talent on display, so you can all be very proud of yourselves and because I think there's a wonderful array of talent on display, I have no doubt you'll be able to handle this song, which I think is quite advanced. Alright"

Mr Maddens then starts singing the song but it didn't sound very good so I quickly went to the keyboard with out him noticing and start playing a note.

He then looks and hear me playing a note and asks..
"Do you have to do that? Fine."
"Sounds good"
"Yes so, right. So we've got..."
Mr Poppy then starts singing different lines and everyone joins in while I play in the keyboard.

When everyone stops singing Mr Maddens asks.
"Who thinks my song is better?" No one puts there hand up.
"This is far more linear. It's very dirge-like. Mine is actually influenced more by Sondheim, but Okay, who prefers Mr Poppy and Sadie's song better?" Everyone puts there hands up.
Mr Poppy is now at the front talking about ideas for the nativity.

"Black matching the darkness and blackouts! And the audience is thinking 'what's going to happen?' And like some of the children maybe like 6 or 7 come on there on that 'duh-duh, duh-duh-duh!' They're like toe heel, 'duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh!' And over here some more children 'duh-duh-duh'. So you get this bug bug cross, Ian's right at the back here, as the cross opens up, we see like the city of Nazareth. And the children turn around, they've got big big cutouts of all the city. And the city comes together and there's like little windows and lights shining through, and people going 'hello!' Through the windows."

Mr poppy then gets interrupted by Mr Maddens.
"Mr Poppy, these children will never be able to do that."
"Yes they will"
"We're useless everyone knows where useless"

"Your not useless!" Mr maddens says to us
"That's what mr maddens calls us"
"No I don't""Yea, you do" "No don't""Yes you do"

"You told Mrs Bevan that we are" Alfie says to Mr Maddens "
Who told you that?" Sir looks around at us.
"Sadie, she heard you" "you did say we were useless" I say stand next to the keyboard.
"I didn't means useless, I didn't mean useless" he says looking at me then at every else.

We all shake our heads but he then says,
"But they will never be able to do that"
"Yeah they will. Sadie will definitely have you seen her dance moves" he says smiling and then points at me.
"Wait what? No I won't"

"Anything we can do, Oakmoor can do ten times better." Ollie says to Mr Poppy.
"Ollie, Oakmoor, Shmoakmoor" Mr poppy then Pretends to play the keyboard.

"Ok Sadie. I want you to go on stage and show me and Mr Maddens what you did in your audition" mr poppy says turning around to me.

"Umm ok" I take my jumper of and everyone gets of stage. And start singing and dancing.
(From 0:34 to 1:08)(then to 1:43 to 2:10)
(Smalles one: Mackenzie)

Everyone claps then we go outside to talk about the last scene of the play, which was Jesus being born then asks up if we want to go on a field trip to see a baby being born and everyone out there hands up but me.

We were interrupted by Mr Maddens telling us to go inside.
———time skip———

We are at a hospital sneaking to go see and baby being delivered but when we get there Mr Maddens, Mr Poppy and Bob faint.

We and now at a farm looking at some animals.

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