Headspace basil/Mr. Sunflower~age 44

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Basil is Sunny's husband and father of Himawari,herb,april,and shizuka
He is called Mr.sunflower by the people who arent his family like for Example kate calls him Mr. sunflower

He teases Mr. Tulip/Sunny alot which isn't like him but was kinda like him
He's caring for every kid of his,he treats kate like if he was her father figure

He always has a picnic at everyWHERE Literally everyWHERE you go you see him

(pipeline dude man kinda reminds me of mari- ANYWAYS)

He heals your party with flowercrowns and food probably

He might be a fightable character in

His health is 2000 if you are wondering
And probably easter eggs might happen if you hurt him in that fight.

Dude's a gardener (we all know that.)

He acts more like mari than himself in Headspace since that's how she viewed him more.

And this is how he looks like

And this is how he looks like

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