Chapter I

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"Hold on." I manage to say into my old flip phone. I always hated that old thing. It's almost impossible to text or call with that thing while you drive. "Wait-...what is this car doi-..." And that was the last time I ever used that phone.
My eyes barely open and my whole body is a mixture of numbness and stinging and pounding. The familiar flashing lights move toward me. I look around, my neck screeching with pain. The car. It's destroyed.
"Ma'am, please don't move. We are trying to get you out of there. Be still and relax your body." a police officer instructs.
"I can'" I manage to say. I stare ahead and try to remember all the events. It all happened at once. My phone, the other car, my car. Wait. Not my car. My boyfriend's car. He will not be very happy. Oh look, there he is now.
"JAZZY! MY CAR! YOU RETARD!" he yells. Everyone stares in utter silence. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!"
" wasn't my fault." I say as the police try to escort him out of the scene.
"LIKE HELL IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT, YOU DIRTY PRICK!" he yells. Why do I even bother with him. He gets mad at some things that are so tiny and he hits me on a regular basis. I mean, this was his car, but I am seriously hurt. Physically and mentally.

The doctors office went by quick with their comfortable beds and speedy service. I finally return home, awaiting a beating that I don't deserve.
As soon as I walk into the door, he freaks out.
"Jasmine. My car is destroyed because of you. I want you to pay all of the insurance bills and clean the entire house. And while you're at it, go make me a sandwich in the kitchen. Where you belong."
I stare deep into his sick, evil eyes. "Or what?"
"Or you leave. I don't need you, or even want you. Just get out of here. Everything is better without you anyways."
So I did.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 15, 2015 ⏰

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