"Is this what love feels like..?"

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Xavier's POV.

Ugh, of course, another day at this stupid high school. The only one that makes this school remotely worth it is of course, my love, the fly. His real name has never been revealed yet, I'm dying to know his name. I'm sitting here with my friend group, Bianca and Kat, Bianca is my sister, and Katie is her cute best friend, they both bully me though and I will never know why. They call me a "poopy pants weenie man" and it really hurts my feelings. I see the fly across the room at a different lunch table... I'm so in love with him, he's so hot, ugh my weenie can't contain this tickly feeling... I'm feeling very in love, I CAN'T HANDLE IT! I just wish he would shove his big 2 incher up my tiny a- "XAVIER!" Bianca yells out, "What do you want, Bianca?!" I said back, what could she possibly want? She was interrupting my day dream!!! "Wondering what you're thinking of, you made the ugliest face possible. I didn't know your face could have ever became uglier, but it did." She says back, UGH I hate my sister. "What the fuck? I'm sexy as hell, I have all the rizz and I can pull all the ladies, I bet your best friend thought I was sexy." I say back, Bianca gives me a face of disgust, and looks over to her friend, Kat. And then Kat looks up at me and says "Ew, are you kidding? Xavier, get over yourself. You're not that hot whatsoever, Jaden however is sexy.", My feelings are officially hurt. I can't believe this. "Oh yeah?! Well at least I'm not delusional to think that my sister is cool in any way!" I said back, "And at least I'm not delusional enough to think I can rizz bitches up, nice self confidence though, I applaud you for that." Kat says back, I give up trying to argue with her, she's hurting my fragile masculinity. I roll my eyes and then go back to day dreaming about me and the fly...

5 minutes later.

I hear a camera clicking and girls laughing, I blink and then look in front of me, of course, Bianca and Kat. They're taking pictures of me then laughing, "Wha- HEY!!! Stop taking pictures of me!" I demand super hotly and angrily, "Nah, I think we'll continue." Says Bianca, ugh I'm so mad. They keep taking pictures of me until I snatch Bianca's phone "WHAT THE HELL XAVIER?! GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK YOU FUCKWIT!" she yells out, I look through her camera roll and see pictures of me with ugly filters and then zoomed in photos of me drooling while looking up with my nose scrunched, damn I looked good in that photo! "WELL I NEVER GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO TAKE PHOTOS OF ME, BIANCA!" I said


Oh god, not class... Fuck, guess we gotta go back. But at least they can't keep taking photos of me, Bianca snatches her phone back out of my hands and rolls her eyes. Everyone gets up to go back to class


Great, we have a duo project. I don't know who to pick. I look over to Bianca, "Hey trash-bin, wanna be my partner in this project?" I ask, she says "No, I decided to pair up with Kat cause she's better than you.", I'm so mad. The teacher yells out "OKAY CLASS! If you haven't chosen a partner, I will be pairing you up with someone random." I freeze up out of fear. "Xavier, you're gonna be paired up with Fly, Tori you're gonna be paired up with Olga, Jaden you're gonna be paired up with Bajimba, Mason you're gonna be paired up with Xander, Hailey you're gonna be paired up with Willie, and--" "WILLIE!??!?!!" Screams out Hailey, she jumps out of her seat and onto her desk, everyone turns around and all the attention goes onto Hailey, "WILLIE IS SO FUCKING WEIRD, JUST LOOK AT HIM.", everyone turns to look at Willie, who is picking his nose and eating his boogers, while picking at his earwax and putting it in his jar of earwax. "Zoo-wee mama! Aren't you a fine little boogie?! You can't have any of my boogers, though! Those are reserved only for me." Willie says while looking at Hailey. Hailey screams out "SEE!! WHY AM I PAIRED WITH HIM?! I WANT TO BE PAIRED WITH MY HUNTER BOOBY CUTIE DADDY BEAR?!" Olga stands up and get's really mad at Hailey and says "Hailey, SHUT UP! I don't want to hear you talking, I'm gonna cancel you on Twitter since you aren't transgender and you're an ugly cis woman." Hailey gets so confused and just ignores Olga, since all Olga cares about is cancelling people on Twitter. Hailey yells back at the teacher "SERIOUSLY, TEACHER! PAIR ME UP WITH HUN-" The teacher interrupts and yells back "HAILEY! DO YOU WANT TO BE SENT TO DETENTION?! I RECOMMEND YOU SIT BACK DOWN AND ACCEPT THAT YOU'RE PAIRED UP WITH WILLIE.", Hailey's face freezes up in shock, she sits back down. "Sorry, Mrs. Fudgeyball... It wont happen again." She says while looking down, she then looks at Hunter with puppy eyes. Hunter stands up, walks over to the teacher and slaps her. Everyone gasps. "Don't EVER talk to my kitten whiskers like that, leave her alone right now. She's my sexy hot muffin cakes with a cherry on top.", Hunter says. "Principal's office, now." Says Mrs. Fudgeyball. "NO!!! MY SEXY DADDY!" Hailey screams out, Mrs. Fudgeyball, being very tired of Hailey's bullshit, screams out "HAILEY! SHUT UP, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN HIM?! ONE MORE PEEP OUT OF YOU AND YOU'RE GOING TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! AND I DON'T THINK YOUR DAD WOULD BE VERY HAPPY HEARING THAT YOU GOT SENT TO THE OFFICE AGAIN." At this point, everyone is just staring with mixed emotions, but at least I got paired up with THE FLY!!!, "Sorry Mrs. Fudgeyball..." says Hailey. Hunter walks out of the classroom flicking the teacher off. The teacher rolls her eyes "Okay, back to what I was saying, Hailey is paired up with Willie, Hunter is paired up with Chad, Meg is paired up with Brad, and I don't know if I'm missing anyone but if I am I don't care just choose your own partner." Hailey rolls her eyes again, starting to get mad. "HAILEY DON'T YOU DARE START SOMETHING WITH ME AGAIN, I'VE HAD ENOUGH WITH YOU." The teacher yells at Hailey, Hailey then starts to whimper and stutters "S-S-Sorry te-teach..." The teacher then begins to explain the project, this school is fucking crazy, this is nuts.

Class Ends.

We all pick up our things and leave, the fly stops me on the way out by pinning me to the door frame "Xavier, is it?" he says. I can't believe this oh my god, he's so hot. His black hair with his dark mysterious blue eyes, his tall figure and really deep manly voice." the tickly feeling in my weewee came back. "Yeah, hey..." I said back, "Can I have your number so we can work on the project later?" he says. I can't believe this is fucking happening, oh my god. "Yeah! it's ###-###-####." I said back, he then says "Gnarly, I'll call you later babe.". BABE??!?!!! Oh my god... I can't believe this, i-is he in love with me?! My heart starts racing. "Alright! Looking forward to it." I say, I can feel myself starting to blush, he smirks at me and then he turns and walks away. 

Xavier gets home.

I get home, but not even 3 minutes later I get a call from the Fly, "Hey it's me, Fly. Do you wanna come to my house and work on the project?" he says, "Yes! Of course, I'll be on my way there." I say, really excited, he then says "Great, see you then, sweetheart." and then he hangs up, oh my god I'm so in love with him... His voice is so manly and I'm freaking out. I just got the tickly feeling but in my ballsack this time. I drive over to his house...

Fly's House.

I knock at his door, he answers with his shirt off and just in faded blue ripped jeans and leaning on the door frame, "Hey, there~" he says, "Hi... I'm here to work on the project." I say, I keep blushing, fuck he's gonna notice... he chuckles and then says "My project is you, babe." "Wha--" he pulls me up to his chest by my hand, looking deep into my eyes, he then kisses me passionately for about 30 seconds, he pulls back then says "I've been waiting to do that for so long, you're so hot Xavier." I blush instantly, "I've always had a crush on you, fly..." I say back, he then says "Don't call me fly, My real name is..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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