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The atmosphere shifts again, but this time the memories aren't from Lord Naruto's past—they're from Sasuke's. The transition is abrupt, and it hits us all like a wave. We all hunch over in pain as the memories flash before our eyes, scenes of chaos and violence, a younger Sasuke bent on revenge, nearly killing Sakura three times, and causing untold harm.

When it's over, Sarada's face is pale with shock, her expression bedridden with disbelief at what we've just seen. The truth about her father is hard to process, especially seeing the lengths he went to in his darkest days.

"Those memories aren't true," she says, her voice shaking as she buries her face in her palms. "Right? It's not true, Y/n?"

Boruto drapes an arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort her, but the look on his face is grim. Beside me, I hear Kawaki mutter under his breath, "He should stop leading Sarada on like that."

"Sarada, it is true," I reply, my voice steady, but without much remorse. "Even Sakura told me about this. Sakura wouldn't lie about this—you know that."

Sarada doesn't respond, her shoulders trembling as she tries to come to terms with the harsh reality. But before we can say anything else, a white portal opens beside us, and out steps a very angry Hokage, with a smiling Mitsuki by his side.

"You're all getting a big lecture," Lord Hokage says, his voice stern, eyes narrowed with irritation.

⁑After the 10 minute lecture⁑

"Now that all of you have gotten an earful of that... on to the next assignment," Lord Hokage says, looking around the room with a stern expression. "Yeah. Assignment."

"Assignment? Come on, that's boring," I exclaim, crossing my arms. Fighting in rounds to test our progress sounds tedious, especially after what we just went through. But Lord Hokage insists, telling us to meet at training ground 5 tomorrow morning.

Everyone files out, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Eida giving Kawaki a big hug. A surge of emotion runs through me. What's this feeling? Jealousy? No, that's not quite right. Betrayal? It doesn't feel like that either. Am I not good enough for him? If so, I'll have to show him what he's missing. Boruto might be able to help me with that.

Before I can leave, Lord Hokage calls me back. "Y/n, I need to speak to you."

"Hn. Alright," I reply, returning to his office. Sasuke and Lord Hokage both look at me with a mixture of concern and curiosity. "So, what's up?"

"You've been acting different lately, since you came back. Something's changed in you," Lord Hokage says, his gaze steady.

"I've noticed too," Sasuke adds. "The way you move, it's like you're avoiding something, or like you're scared. Is there anything wrong?"

I let out a sigh. I could walk out and pretend I didn't hear them, but that would only raise more suspicion. I decide to give them a few hints. I walk over to Lord Hokage's desk and pick up a photo of Team 7 when they were younger, the one with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

"Did you know that the younger kids in the Academy were told that the people in the Anbu Black Ops were 'demons'?" I say, putting the photo back down.

I lift my left hand in front of my face, slowly pulling off the glove that covers the black diamond-shaped mark in the center of my palm. I lower my left arm and clench both of my fists. My right hand drops the glove to the floor. Sasuke eyes follow my movements. Hasn't anyone noticed before? Not the Karma mark, but what it represents?

It's true—I only wear one glove on my left hand to conceal my Karma mark, but no one ever asks why. It's like they don't even notice. It's almost funny how something so obvious can go ignored.

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