East Ukraine

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Eastern Ukraine

Chapter 1: Independence

It was December 2024, Ruslan Rudyk had woken up from a nap after supervising the oil refinery in Kharkiv, it was 11:00pm in the small town, Chuhuiv and people were cheering in the streets, "Together we are many! We cannot be defeated!", he immediately turned his television on, Ukraine had declared independence after the Mexican Empire had ruined Russia's stability.

Just then, Ruslan Rudyk's little sister had called him, Ulyana Loboda, Loboda was her married last name, she lived in Kyiv with her husband and two kids, she had also been raped by a Russian loyalist once for not doing work for him, she couldn't get any help until Russia lost its strength. Ruslan Rudyk had answered the phone.

"Rus, did you hear that we now live in Ukraine?! Independent Ukraine!" Ulyana Loboda asked in excitement.

"Yes, I did, people are currently celebrating in the streets outside my house, now we have to pray that Nelya will come back here to Ukraine with her family" Ruslan Rudyk replied.

"I've also gotten a new job as a real estate agent! I don't have to be forced to work in a motor factory now!" Ulyana Loboda shouted.

"Well, I have to go make sure nothing on my property is damaged due to the crowd and see the condition of my job now, so I'll see you later Ulyana" Ruslan Rudyk said, he clearly wasn't too excited, he was more so neutral on the topic.

"Alright, talk to you later" Ulyana said as she hung up.

Ruslan Rudyk then walked outside, his property wasn't damaged at all, and people were so happy, hugging each other, Ruslan Rudyk could see people inside their houses, watching the news and eating kutia. Just then Ruslan Rudyk got a text in his work group chat that the oil refinery would continue to be operated, however, under a new Ukrainian oil company, he was so glad that he got to keep his job and his little sister got a new job as well.

Ruslan Rudyk's family might've been doing well with this, but some weren't like Vladyslav Ilchuk.

Olha Ilchuk was stuck in Moscow, she was doing business for her clothing line with investors when it had happened, she wasn't in the new country at the time meaning she did not have citizenship, however she had left Vladyslav Ilchuk, her 16 year old son behind in Mykolayiv, with no guardian, not even any cousins or grandparents, well cousins he had but had been isolated from, his father had also died a year before, luckily they both had phones and had called each other 10 minutes after the declaration of independence.

"Mom, what do I do?!" Vladyslav Ilchuk screamed in fear.

"Just stay there, alright son, I'll find a way to get back there, I don't know what to do for now, just survive however you can" Olha Ilchuk replied.

Just then, Vladyslav Ilchuk heard a loud explosion outside, a power line had been taken out and a Russian flag was put up right next to the ruble, it was Russian loyalists, Vladyslav Ilchuk was scared.

"Mom, hurry back, please, I have to run and hopefully I find you, Russian loyalists are down the road causing explosions" Vladyslav Ilchuk said and just then, the phone lost connection, he was unable to speak to his mother and his mother, unable to speak to him.

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