Twilight is soooo much beeter

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1becauaes taylor launter just so hot

2mayer actully makes plot like were bella cries and stuf

3non of the hp charicters r hottttt

4dubledor is old and gay wich is wierd

5there r so many diverse spesies and stuf in Twilight like vamps and wolves. HP only has hippogriffs thestrals blast ended skrewts mermaids flobberworms and other stuffs.

6hp is so boreing but in twilight lots stuff happe

7bella is such a good role model like she curls up into balls for monts on end then jumps of clif just so ewderd notices her. all girls shood do that.

8twilight is better

9harry potter is a really dumb title

10everyone loves twilight

Jklol everyone HP is da bomb and twilight is... Well, twilight is a bomb filled with crap...

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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